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TOB unlimited XP SPOILER.........

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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Tor Piland
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TOB unlimited XP SPOILER.........

Post by Tor Piland »

Hey, I am in Watchers Keep, lvl 2 and I sent 2 Skeleton Warriors into the unending Green Slime room. I had my party in the center room, the phone rang and I got preoccupied. I forgot all about the game still running! Two hours later I noticed it was still on and the Pets were still killing slimes!!! Apparently the Skeleton Warriors can't be unsummoned while in combat (I haven't tried other pets but I think they're the only ones that can't be harmed in there). They averaged three kills/min. that's 192 xp, or 11,520/hr. or 92,160 every 8 hrs split between your party. Now I realise this is a little slow but if you let it run while you're at work or sleeping, WHAT THE HEY!!! CHEESEY, but I thought I'd pass it on. Later, Tor
Tor Piland
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Tor Piland
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Post by Tor Piland »

Musta been a glitch!!!!!! I tried it again and they DO eventually UNSUMMON!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT.... After a few more tests under....huh...hum... A stringently controlled scientific environment...... the duration of this phenomenon appears to be 40 to 45 minutes. I am unable to explain or replicate the longevity of the first experience. Although it would seem that the few brief moments between a Slime's death and the creation of the next one accumulate towards the duration of the spell. But it's still as close to auto-pilot as you'll get, if you can't play you should still be able to run upstairs every 45 min. and cast a couple quick spells!!!
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Post by Coot »

LOL! If only you could use those skeletons in RL. You know, cleaning your house, paint the roof, do the laundry...
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure
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