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Level of Undead turning

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

I have had some inconsistent turning results in the temple ruins. I could turn shadowfiends and mummies and skeleton warriors and liches and bone golems but some shadows I couldn't turn. Has anyone else experienced that?
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Re: Vampires
Originally posted by nephtu
I don't think UAI gives you any proficiency, sadly. Jan shows a 2 point THAC0 penalty when going from, say, CF +5 (1 * proficient) to spear +5 (no proficiency)

The vampires are susceptible to a variety of attacks, but an obvious choice would be to have Imoen use triggered sunfires. Clump the vamps and incinerate, combine with chain contingency for even more fun.

For picking off the singles, if your F/M/T is ok with axes (and not evil) go get Azuredge (the ranged attack is very convenient), or pick up Keldorn and have him use it for the vamps - you'll have to fiddle his proficiencies.

Remember, you can get up to 3 groups (Drizzt, Paladins, Shadow thieves) to help with the clearing and final fight.

Flavour to taste, but I don't think you need to boot Anomen to do this one. The really tricky bit is the Bodhi fight itself, at least if you have Improved Bodhi (ouch!)

My pc just made level 15 fighter so I put the prof point on maces rather than mess with Azuredge. Anomen should be weilding Crom Faeyr by the time I do Bodhi's lair again so I can give improved Mace O' Disruption to my Pc. I would rather have put the prof point on bastard swords or hammers but that can always be changed later. Discovered that Immy did not have sunfire spell and I couldn't locate it at any of the usually shops so I hacked the spell into her inventroy (I got tired of schleping all over Faerun looking for it). She has spell trigger and chain contingency now so I'll try your advice with using those in conjunction with sunfires. I did set some traps at the entrance to the graveyard (not spike traps alas) so perhaps if Anomen (lvl 30 cleric) has his turn undead going full blast that and the traps may kill the ambusher vampires before he is taken. I've managed that once before when I played a similar game with a f/m/t, Immy and Jaheira. Of course it completely screwed up the romance globals but I was pretty sick of it by then. Anyway, I appreciate the advice. I'm off to Windspear next so I can complete Crom Faeyr.
Originally posted by Bruce Lee
I have had some inconsistent turning results in the temple ruins. I could turn shadowfiends and mummies and skeleton warriors and liches and bone golems but some shadows I couldn't turn. Has anyone else experienced that?

Can you be a bit more specific on which shades didn't turn or get blasted? I did this quest about mid way thru Chapter 3 with just my pc and Anomen (I imagine he was quite a bit higher than a cleric in a 6 member party) and had no trouble blasing all the shades on the surface and in the first set of rooms. He had trouble with the greater mummies and skeleton warrior encounters (had to use traps and the lava pit to finally get them all). As far as the shade in the small room and those at the end of the quest I couldn't really tell if he had an impact on them or not. My pc just hacked and slashed the sleezeball shade in the small room and at the final battle with the shade lord I hit them with everything I had at once (I brought Mazzy in for the last battle only). Pretty sure I blasted them with false dawns, sunfires, etc. so it was a quick battle and I can't recall anyone exploding.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Easy fight afterall

Thanks for the tips. After doing Windspear (Anomen evaporated the vampires with sanctuary + turn undead) and getting the last piece for Crom Faeyr in the sewers I tried Bodhi. Anomen was killed/taken by Bodhi as expected but my f/m/t and Immy wasted the vampire ambushers. I equipped my dual wielding Pc with Crom Faeyr and Mace of Disruption (1 pt prof in each) and managed to waste Bodhi and her minions in one of the easier fights I've had there. I hasted the Knights of Torm (I think that helped) and had my pc use simulacrum. Immy used Staff of the Magi. It was a slaughter. Used some spike traps outside Bodhi's lair and tried to lure some of the vamps out into the corridor to set them off. Meanwhile simulcrum Pc was wailing on Bodhi. Immy let loose with a trigger of 3 sunfires and followed with dragon breath spell. Bodhi was first to drop and then it was just mop up. No reloads and not even badly injured. Then revived Anomen. Still it would have been cool to watch a level 32 cleric blast the vamps.
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