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Post by Hashashin »

Well, what do you think 'bout this character :
Dex Based

Mix of Ranger and Rogue Levels, having firstly Longbow as weapon, and dual-w. daggers/short swords for melee combact (weapon finesse) and sneak attack?

Could it work? How


Human, dex Based

Fighter X
Rogue X +1
Ranger Y

And I have a problem with my pure Ranger : I do have 15 Wis, and I don't know WHY I CAN'T CAST
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Post by Stilgar »

About your casting problem, maybe your not high enough level, or you havent selected spells.

I ranger-rogue would work perfect in IWD.
I´m not so sure about the ranger-fighter-rogue? Why would you want the fighter level?
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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Post by Mirk »

weapon finesse does not work whith duel-weilding, just one weapon. you'll have to have a decent str.

i never had a x/x/x+1 chars, i think that in 3ed the multi-classing system provides "more kick for the buck" from the 1/x or 3/4/x or so. still, on of my favorite IWD2 chars was rog3/ran2/mnk3/ftr8 by the end (if he's going into Heart of Fury, he'll get 4 wiz/specialist levels as well - for the mirror images...) he was by far the MVP in my party, covering the scout and the dex-based critical melee, with scimitars, improved critical, dirty fighting, and tymora's loop.

an alternative would be ran3/ftr4/mnk3/rogx

the reason for not going high with ranger levels (and belive me, this is hard to say for an old-time ranger-lover as myself) is that they don't give you anything special (like NWN improved duel-weilding), and you're better off taking ftr levels (for extra feats) or rogue levels (for extra skills and sneak attack)
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Post by Hashashin »

Thanks Mirk!

I want fighter lvls because of feats and HP

At the moment I am at
2 Fighter
2 Ranger
2 Rogue
So I can still decide what to do....

your ran2/rog3/mnk3/ftr8 looks funny...
and also the rog try

I see you do you have to go without any armor?? Is it good???
Let me se....10+5 (dex) + 3 (wis)...I'll have 18 AC
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Post by Mirk »

this is the build:

str 16
dex 18
con 14
int 12
wis 10
chr 6

here's the progression of this char:

1 rog1
2 ran1 (duel-weilding)
3 ftr1
4 ftr2
5 ftr3
6 ftr4 (weapon specialization)
7 rog2 (evasion)
8 ran2
9 mnk1
10 mnk2
11 rog3 (uncanny dodge, 2d6 sneak attack)
12 mnk3 (still mind)

skills: hide, move silently. other than that - your choice (i got intimidate, to match the cool portrait)

feats: dirty fighting, improved critical, weapon specialization (i chose large swords and mace), power attack -> cleave, experise.

abilities: dex up to 20, int 13, then str

equipment: the best studded leather, the best longsword/scimitar+shortsword, returning dart, boots of speed, stalth-enhancing equipment

so, at level 12 this is a rog3/ran2/mnk3/ftr4 char, with hide/move silently maxed out almost at all levels, and he can continue into any of the following:

mnk3/ran3/ftr3/rogX (the sneak-attacking assassin)
rog3/ftr4/mnk3/ranX (sort of re-make of BG2 stalker kit)
rog3/ran2/mnk3/ftrX (a more martial-oriented build)
rog3/ran3/mnk3/wiz4/ftrX (as above, but with the cheesy MIRROR IMAGE!)

i added the monk levels for 3 reasons:

1. boost saving throws (still mind doesn't hurt, either)
2. somene to use the monk-only items (there are two items i mean here, both of little use to a single-class monk, and extremly usefful for a the scout/finesse melee/magekiller build:

item spoiler

the sash of the black raven (+1 attack, immunity to confusion) - with single class monk's naturally high wisdom, good will saves and spell resistance he'll probably use another belt

thunder clap - a single class monk is going to need the armour bracers, and his number of attacks (unarmed attacks, that is, as that'l be his main weapon) does not need an extra attack per round.

end spoiler

3. role-playing/character depth - i visualise this char as a lone-wolf (chr 6) highly disciplined (int 12, later 13 for experiese feat, weapon specialization) quick-draw (high dex) hit-them-where-it-hurts (2d6 sneak attack, improved critical, dirty fighting) kind of warrior. it is almost mandatory for him, if a bit cliche, to get the meditate-and-perform-martial-arts-form-at-the-ruins-at-sunset-before-the-big-baddy-final-battlescene kind of abilities.

phew, that was long... hope it helps ;-)
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Post by Hashashin »

Well, I think mine will be a little bit different...just because i need firstly a scout/sniper that sometimes engages meele combact...

And, maybe is a bug of my version, but with dual-w. Weapon Fines does WORK!!!! so at the moment I'm using
a- Longbow
b- Two Shortswords
As I go up in levels, I'll increase Str so that I can use scimitar for the first hand with good bonus

At the moment it's working very well...I already had the base PG when you wrote your post, so I have to use a different progression...
I am
Ftr 3
Rog 3
Ran 2
Mnk 2
So I don't have the 4th lvl of Ftr, but there are so many useful feats (dirty fight, luck of heroes etc...) that is not a problem! I just need 2 more lvl...
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Post by silverdragon72 »

Originally posted by Mirk

i added the monk levels for 3 reasons:

1. boost saving throws (still mind doesn't hurt, either)
2. somene to use the monk-only items (there are two items i mean here, both of little use to a single-class monk, and extremly usefful for a the scout/finesse melee/magekiller build:

item spoiler

the sash of the black raven (+1 attack, immunity to confusion) - with single class monk's naturally high wisdom, good will saves and spell resistance he'll probably use another belt

thunder clap - a single class monk is going to need the armour bracers, and his number of attacks (unarmed attacks, that is, as that'l be his main weapon) does not need an extra attack per round.

end spoiler

these are items specified as not usable for fighters, rogues,...

are you sure (means have you tried it out in IWD2) that you can use these items with a mc monk ?

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Post by Mirk »

class limitations on items work in a way that allows you to use it regardless of multy or single class considerations: if you have a level in a class that can use the item, you can use it.

and this char is not an "exercise in 3ed powergaming", its a char i use. very sucsessfully, i might add. and the two monk items are just too good to pass on.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


thanks for the quick answer...

...I just was confused cuase thee are:

- items usable to (only) paladins

- and items not usable by fighters, rogues,.... all classes (except of paladins)

so the "not usable" description doesn't make any sense that way...

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