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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Then go for heavy crossbow of searing from adventurers mart. Great for killing trolls and disrupting mages.
Have you managed to defeat the team yet?
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Post by Skuld »

I haven't had time to play it over yet. I'm gonna probably SK my profs tonight and try it then. I've done it plenty of times with parties. My solo Sorceror however took forever to beat that battle(including the thief). I could give entangle a try. I've only got one shot with it, but it's worth a try especially since I'm gonna have my x-bow. I'll let you know how it goes once I do get around to doing it though. Dont' worry.
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Post by Skuld »

So it wasn't that bad. I bought the Ring of Air Control, went in with a Oil of Speed, Pro. Evil, Holy Might, and Improved Invis. (from the ring). Walked in took out Brennan right away before he could take off. Then I ran down stairs finished off the Orcslicer and Mencar. Then went back upstairs to take care of Pooky and the wizard dude. It's not too bad once you split every one up. And I thought with improved invis no one could see you even if you did attack. So which is better now that I have the Cloak of Non-Detection, Ring of Invis of Air Control?
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Ring of air control is better since you go improved invisible. They will see you once you attack but unless they dispel the shimmering they can't target you with spells. Cloak of non detection wont do you much good though since it only prevents character hidden in shadows from being seen.
And congratulations. Yeah divide and conquer is the way
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