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(Spoilerish) The bug from hell - literally!

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(Spoilerish) The bug from hell - literally!

Post by nephtu »

Ok, I'm in the final fight in Hell, with Improved Irenicus & friends. But the Wraith of Wrath won't really die. When I kill it by any means (swords, traps, CTRL-Y, what have you) it dies, I get the experience, it does the death animation, but a detect evil will still turn it (and only it) up as alive.

As a result, I can't finish the fight :eek:

Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea for a solution? I can CLUA another one in and kill it, but then detect evil will just turn it up X2, etc. It's hardly end-of-the worldish, but fairly annoying.

Fwiw, MODs are Tactics, Spell-50, Ease of Use, Item Upgrade, Tashia, Kelsey and Solaufein, but only Tashia is in my party.
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »

There is a Clua script, I think the same used to kill the child bugs on ToB, something like deathscript('ireni','arxxxx,(1)) but I'm not sure... I think UU shall know it.
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Post by nephtu »


I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.
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