I've gotten myself thru Sheangarne, killed everything and even managed to save the Bridge! (Alas, the bridge fell later anyway, despite my ingeniousness). I go back to the palisade but Shawford won"t even talk to me! What's worse, when I go to Ublec, he seems to think there are more goblins to kill! I've searched everywhere I can think of, but can't find anything to kill. Did I miss something somewhere? I'm wandering back and forth between Targos and Sheangarne bridge w/ nothing to do!
Wow, I have never heard of that before. Did you get the message at the end of the Shaenegard Bridge thing saying you killed everyone? The last few orcs do hide off to one edge of the screen. That's the only thing I can think of.
Thanks for the reply! But, yes, I've killed everything, except for a leopard my ranger befriended. Maybe I've got to kill him also? I don't want to because he always wags his tail when he sees me no matter how many times I see her.
hey, thanks. I'll try that. Pretty mean tho'. Maybe I'll let my evil sorceress do it. She won't care. My ranger, however will never speak to her again! Luckily, no body can leave the party! I'll let you know what happens!