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Cool cave/house in Sadrith Mora

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Cool cave/house in Sadrith Mora

Post by lifeishell91 »

I found a house in sadrith mora, that looks small and goes into the cave wall,(it has a secret smuggler cave with crystals and crate, loads of place 4 stuff!) its somewhere in the s/e of Sadrith mora, there are 4 people there, you can kill them easily if your are at like lvl 7+.
Did anyone else find this place?
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Yes. Its full of Commona Tong scum. I make it a habit of seeking out the CT and Dark Brotherhood assassins in the game and killing them all. Its more fun than doing Morag Tong hits. CT scum are pretty easy to spot as they tell you they are in the CT but DB assassins are a bit trickier. You should join the MT first so that when you talk to an assassin you can see how they respond. (Just click on their Background dialog and also on the other dialog where you ask them what they do). If they say they are an assassin (background) and "What I do is my business" then they are DB's - taunt and kill them for potential sanguine items (keep these items safe when you find them as someone in the MT wants them). If they are MT they will recognize that you are also a guild member and have a different and friendlier response.
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Post by Dorian_ertymexx »

Where is this place, exactly?
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Post by Kool69 »

Do you recieve a bounty, do they respond, and how easy is it to get there?
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Originally posted by Kool69
Do you recieve a bounty, do they respond, and how easy is it to get there?

No bounty. Lousy loot. Yes you can talk to them. They admit they are part of the Commona Tong. Usual dialogs. The place is just one of the little Telvanni homes in the town. Look for an entry door that is on ground level (no stairs up to the door in other words). Its really nothing special at all. Just a Commona Tong hang out. If you come in by boat head east. If you come in by guild guide head towards docks and then east along the main road through town. Kill them if you like or don't - it doesn't effect any quests. Just be sure you taunt or frenzy them into attacking you first. There are Commona Tong hang outs in just about every major town. CT always admit they belong. Dark Brotherhood assassins are very tight lipped on the other hand. These are NOT the same as the Tribunal DB assassins that spawn. These are just regular looking chars who tell you "What I do is my business" when you ask them about their trade.
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