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spell for dual classes

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spell for dual classes

Post by saulat_99 »

Hi, I'am new to the forums and have played baldurs gate one and two before, however this is my first dual class charachter. Iam playing a berserker/cleric and have not dualed to the cleric yet. I was wondering if draw upon holy might would take into account the cleric levels. I don't want to play a berserker to level 20 to get the max out of the spell but I don't want to give up all that strength and dexterity either. Any info would be much appreciated.
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Mini Me
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Post by Mini Me »

If you play a berserker to 20, then dual, you wont get any of your level 20-ness back until you reach level 20 again as a cleric (and with the experience cap, I doubt this will happen). It is mostly accepted to dual around lvl 12/13 so you can definitely advance enough in the new class.
As for your question, the second class becomes dominant, so it will take into account the cleric level and not the barbarian.
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Once you dual you get access to Draw upon holy might as a cleric spell and the cleric level counts for that. For the innate ability your highest level count I think.
When dualing to a cleric very little is gained by waiting to long to dual. Most efficient is to dual at level 9. to wait until level 12 is a waste and if you wait till level 13 you get another rage and an extra half attack, but you will have to wait an awful long time to regain your berserker abilities. There is no end difference in thaco unless you wait until level 15 before dualing.
I strongly recommend level 9.
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Post by fable »

I would agree that level 9 is the best point to dual to a cleric. You should be able to make up the difference and get your first class active again after only one or two serious quests. Give thought to the introductory Circus Tent, and the De Arnise Hold (cheap experience, a great place in any case for young parties to grab a load of excellent ammunition and one major, enchanted weapon--or more). If you've cheesed your way into owning the Shield of Balduran, you'll also want to take on the Unseeing Eye Quest relatively early.
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