Originally posted by Xandax So because such things were done before - it justifies using them again ??
Then we can all justify all "bad" things in existance, by the fact that other bad things has/does happen.
IMO, and I think this is why Aegis points to the WWII events he there is a lot of hypocrasy going on regarding how people view suicide bombing versus other intentional targetting of civilians. Some people think Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki justifyable, while the totally condemn suicide bombing because it targets innocent civilians. Today in media, suicide bombing has been singled out as something especially objectable, as if intentional targetting of innocent civilians were something particular to terrorist groups, which it is certainly not.
In this thread, there has been some fuss about CM expressing support for suicide bombing. I don't think there is any reason to more upset about CM:s opinion that other member's opinions, who in oprevious threads have expressed support and justification for the massive targetting of innocent civilians Fire and Atomic bombing is. There has also been previous discussions where some members have supported events such as carpent bombing and massacres of civilians in other recent conflicts, so again - here at SYM there is nothing special with CM's opinions.
As for me, I find all intentional targettting of innocent civilians immoral and objectable.
"There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance." - Hippocrates
Moderator of Planescape: Torment, Diablo I & II and Dungeon Siege forums
1) you have all argued both sides very well. Death does seem necessary in the search for peace, but it is often the death of the wrong people.
2) Im 15 and have adolescence to be getting on with, and a war on the other side of the world doesnt seem all that important to me especially as it doesnt affect me and I cant affect it.
3) Being who and where I am i know hardly anything of the situation
HOWEVER there is one point to be made to people (especially religous) in favour of it. War in the Holy Land (ISrael) is one of the first signs of the apocalypse, so claiming to be a god lover and supporting this is really rather hypocritical.
but im 15 and dont really know anything about it
'My pantaloons are full of weasels. Inform the Queen, so that she might shoo them away. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. Go monkey GO!'-Wanev
Have you ever heard any more inspiring or logical words? I sure haven't.
Ok i am not gonnna discuss suicide bombers. Rather i would like to discuss points i covered with Scayde in our conversation.
The main issue most people dont seem to realise is that the muslim people in general believe in the "Ummah" or Community. Ie a muslim is a muslim no matter where he is. So one muslims problems are your problems. We dont believe in nationalism.
Following this "common" identity or whatever you have a majority of the population developing a siege mentality that the west is out to erode our way of life or whatever. Justified or not sept 11th placed it on the forefront of everybodies mind.
Sept 11th with what more than 5000 muslims in jail till today for no reason. The Patriot acts. Not to mention the US media like fox news coupled with the US attacking muslim countries and basically presenting a line that islam is the problem.
Too see how far the problem has gone with bring religion into the whole issue here is an example. Soon after sept 11th the Magazine: Foriegn Affairs ( a very good and reputed mag) published an article saying that Wahabism (which according to a majority of western media outlets breeds terrorism) is actually Salafism.
Now just two points. Wahabism is not a religious sect. If it was 98% of Sunni muslims would be wahabis. People fail to mention that. Wahabism is rather a political or religious movement to eliminate the pagan traditions from within Islam. That is why muslims dont and can not believe in saints. Only God/Allah has such powers. So it was to eradicate pagan traditions. Not to setup military camps.
Throughout that Article there no mention of who Salaf was. I honestly have never heard of that name. He wasnt one of the companions nor a religious scholar.
Like so many of the experts on Islam seen on western TV they arent muslim. They havent lived in Islamic countries and pull things out of the bloody air.
This is just one of the things that affects how muslims percieve the west.
Then you have western europe. With France its religious law. Then with Germany and its "hijab" only law. After which Beligium and Holland are trying to follow up with a Hijab only law as well. Honestly its curtailing religious freedom. I personally dont think the hijab is a requirement. Nobody in my family wears anything remotely to that. But hey if people want to do it let them.
Its just as hypocrictical as well Saudi forcing non-muslim to wear the burqa or the black parachute dress.
I am sleepy now. I will continue this tomorrow. If you think this is inappropriate pm me and i will delete it.
This is no way related to the Suicide bombing issue. Once i know for certain what i am thinking and fulfill my promise to scayde i will post a response.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill