I am in the tempelruins now.Past the first of the shadowy doors. But i can't get through the second one, just past the lava room. The yellow gem i got earlier dissapired after opening the first door. Is this supposed to happen or what? Is there another gem somewhere? Any help would be nice
Can't get past the second shadowdoor in Umar
I'm not sure exactly which door you're referring to, but the door in the hallway in the southwest corner of the map cannot be opened, so don't bother trying to find a key for it. You have to cross the bridge and go through the lava room; you can't go around it.
There are three "keys" in the Temple Ruins. There's a yellow-colored Sun Gem (which you found on a pedestal), an orange-colored Sun Gem (which you find in a room past the lava pit), and the Symbol of Amaunator, which you have to assemble from various pieces.
By the way, if you find an item called "Tombelthan's Journal", just ignore it if you don't plan to acquire the Ranger Stronghold; you won't be able to find the item it mentions unless you're doing one of the Ranger stronghold quests.
I hope this helps.
There are three "keys" in the Temple Ruins. There's a yellow-colored Sun Gem (which you found on a pedestal), an orange-colored Sun Gem (which you find in a room past the lava pit), and the Symbol of Amaunator, which you have to assemble from various pieces.
By the way, if you find an item called "Tombelthan's Journal", just ignore it if you don't plan to acquire the Ranger Stronghold; you won't be able to find the item it mentions unless you're doing one of the Ranger stronghold quests.
I hope this helps.