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Need help with tactics

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Post by UserUnfriendly »

the breach is only to drop his protection from energy, so the elemental damage gets through...

i wonder if wes updated remove my naughty exploits... :p :p :p

spell immunity conjuration should definately protect you from acid arrows... :confused:
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Post by Mini Me »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly

spell immunity conjuration should definately protect you from acid arrows... :confused:


but then what is giving prot vs. his fireshields?
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Mini Me

but then what is giving prot vs. his fireshields?

wait just a second here..he's got fireshields???

new version of tactics mod???


ok, try casting both spell immunity invokation and conjuration...yes, they'll stack...

well, if they're both red and blue, fire and cold, protection from elements and energy should make you invulnerable to elemental damage..

whoa...tricky, tricky wes... :p

breach him... :p that should drop the fireshields..
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Post by Mini Me »

i thought you didnt know about the shields. I am playing BP-BGT-NeJ though, so I didnt know if incorporates the improved tactics bits (built into BP)

They seem to be innate. Breach doesnt work.

Ill try both spell immunities


ill be back in around 10mins :)
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Post by Mini Me »


granted kachiko died and had to be ressurrected, and I had to CLUA in 6 prot from magic weapon scrolls and 5 breach scrolls.

However, I will get rid of the money I would have had to pay (i just couldnt find them on a merchant) and I brought them in BEFORE the battle so it was like buying them (its not like i was just constantly spawning scrolls or potions during the battle.

As an aside, will kachiko's death affect her and yoshimo's romance?
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

don't know...never played tortured souls...

but, wow..that fireshield was such a my next run thru, while i'm testing check the bodies, will reinstall kurosian..and see if the new version of tactics i downloaded a few days ago has fireshield red...

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Post by Mini Me »

The addition of Evocation protects against his fireshields

they must also be whats stopping your feedback loop from working...(they protect from the fire and cold)

I didnt see him cast it once.

He also casts imp. invis. regularly after you get him to injured, and heals himself with potions (which doesnt seem to have been mentioned here) so reccomend you have a cleric standing behind with true sight.

Also, after 5 prot magic weps he stops casting it, so you can simply hack away. If I had realised this I wouldnt have cast all my protections before hand, instead just breached him 5 times, (maybe kiting him if he attacks) and then casting all my prots and hack him to pieces (kachiko died only because her spell immunities ran off, at Baldy Wounded of all times!)
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Post by lompo »

Mislead+prot from acid+minor globe of inv. worked well for me.
As soon as Kuirosan appear and has his speech all my party goes invisible (potions are the best way).
Get out of sight and prepare:
Usual buff (prot from evil, stoneskin, haste, mirror image, improv. invis. for fighters etc.) for every body (included prot from acid from scrolls) plus my Kensay/mage, Edwin and Jan had mislead/minor globe.
While Korgan, Jaheira and Vicky waited (imp. invisible) to get into action, the three mislead char (with clones well out of sight) attacked (most of Kuiro buff are already weared down): breach+MMM/normal bolts from firetooth for Edwin/Jan
Kensai/mage melee with CF/Kundane (keep a normal katana ready if Kuiro raises a pfMW).
As soon as Kuiro start to get injured attack with the others: Vicky (who is immune to acid with shadow dragon scale+prot. scroll) with a sling and is ready for an eventual true seeing, berserked Korgan with melee, while Jaheira uses sling and heal.
Kuiro was dead in a matter of seconds and no deaths!!!
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Post by lompo »

sorry, this post was send by mistake
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Post by Bruce Lee »

I find him annoying more than anything. As soon as I start buffing up he cries ooohh this is not a good day and then I have to chase him around, he starts using the cheesy go exit the area as soon as I appear. Takes forever to kill him. I dont really like the sword either since that feedback loop really slows down my computer.
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Post by nephtu »


He is optional, either don't isntall him, uninstall him or just CTRL-Y ;)

Personally, I'm pretty fond of Kuro, and his sword is about my favourite offhander.. Come to think of it, he'd be a pretty good party member :eek:
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