This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I am on the third quest for the Fighters Guild and I teleported to the town I am supposed to be in(forgot name). But I dont know how to get to the mines. How do I get there?
[color=dark red]When an adult goes to hell its terrific, but when a child goes to hell, well, thats why I am in the business.[/color][/size]
Leave town through the south exit, walk a bit out, and then cut southwest over the mountains. It should drop you pretty close to the mines. There is a sign post that points to the mine, so if you just walk along the road and keep your course skirting the mountains to the southwest, you should run across the sihnpost eventually as well.
It's been awhile, so sorry if my directions suck
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!
is u wont another anwser leave town in the direction of the silt strider go str8 across river keeping 2 the right of it just on shore when u run up far enough u should come 2 a mine with 2 miners standing outside
is it the egg mine or ebony i know the third quest is the ebony mine if so ask around town they will tell you were and the entrance to the cave your supposed to enter is guarded by a wood elf cant remeber his name though.....
no that is the tevanii rebels in the ebony mine that is a diff 1 i believe and that 1 is south west of caldera u must cross over the top of the mountains buit its due south west easy 2 find. but im pretty sure its the egg mine south of balmora