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question about Balmora

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robot flux
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question about Balmora

Post by robot flux »

Ok, here goes:

1)How are you supposed to get the orcish boots and breast plate from the armorer in Balmora WITHOUT killing or stealing? They are lying next to the woodelf that sells them. I really would want to have them.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

Warning: SPOILER!

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Stand next to the bosmer (woodelf) so he turns to face you, and faces away from the armour, go stand on the crate next to the guard so he also faces away from the armour. Now either cast an invisibility spell and sneak or just sneak and take the arnour!

Sorry, but I think the only way is to steal it! :(

But there are some different orchish armour, on the top level of the Ghorak Manor in Caldera, in a crate. To get it, just use the same method of making the Orc face the other way, and cast invisibility spell and sneak or just sneak and take it! ;)

There is some more orchish armour in the Fighters guild in Ald-Ruhn, but I'll let you try to find it!

p/s. When trying to take the armour, you can also cast chameleon and sneak!
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Re: Warning: SPOILER!
Originally posted by lifeishell91
But there are some different orchish armour, on the top level of the Ghorak Manor in Caldera, in a crate. To get it, just use the same method of making the Orc face the other way, and cast invisibility spell and sneak or just sneak and take it!

You can actually take anything in Ghorak Manor right in front of the orcs. They will complain but they won't attack and they don't report you for stealing so you don't get a bounty. Their reaction is about the same as when you loot an area where there are unfreed slaves. The slaves will say "stop thief" but that's the extent of it. Once they are set free they don't complain. Ghorak Manor is the only place in the game that I've found you can do this though.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

There is a shop somewhere, I wanna say in Suran but don't quote me, where the storkeep will sit and watch you steal them blind and never go hostile or report your crime.
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Post by Sir chris »

you can do this in the manor in balmora involving the secound thievs guild quest i think and if you want to get a full set or orcish armor kill umbra outside suran...
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Post by python »

if u have an adequit sneak u can steal a lot of stuff from mournhold armory in the great bazaa, u can get in the little storidge cubby and steal everythin off the shelf which is basically 3 pieces of glass armor orcish gear and ebony and dwemer gear if memory is right, also in all shops here u can pilfer some very expensive gear, just make sure u dont get caught or the high ordinators will likely 1 hit kill u if ur low level
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