This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Well to me anyways....
(Slight Spoiler for when you have to build your stronghold)
Ok, when you have to kill the owners of the 2 other strongholds for house redoran, can you take over their strongholds too, well at least the hluula one? Is the hluula one cool? Should I get the hluula one instead of the redoran one?
I used to hate going to weddings because the old people would always say,"You Next! You Next!" Now I go to funerals and tell them the same thing.
Yes you can take over the stringhold of other Houses but you will probably have to kill all the people there , because they are in other houses they will not like you and probably not let you use their services, but if you want to keep them alive, so do so.
hum id be very carefull with killing other poeple in there stronghold, for instance bal isra has a key npc that is linked to 2 quests, doing 1 will let u become build stronghold as a house hlallu member the other your main trials
Regardless of which great house you join you will eventually be given quests to wipe out the other two house strongholds. I would wait until I got those quests to wipe out the other people. You can set up shop in any of them, the other house NPCs won't bother you but they may get in your way. Personally I never use my strongholds anymore or visit them more than absolutely required by the game because they are so impractical.
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned."Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri