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Back in the game.

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Back in the game.

Post by OldRowdin »

Well its been almost two years since I've played BG2, i have'nt even played ToB yet. I was all geared up to play ToB but i had a fire at my flat and lost my comp and all of my saves and best chars from BG1.

My first username in this forum was Rowdin, and i read the posts almost everyday.

After the loss of my first born from bg1 i just could'nt bring myself to start from the begining again, ToB still was'nt out so i moved to diablo2, then onto DAoC which i just quit playing.

While i wait for WoW to comeout i'am going to start playing this game again, so i'am going to use SK to rework my first born Paladin and my berserker/cleric, my too best chars.

Its good to be back in the best game around.
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Post by nephtu »

Welcome back!

Welcome back to GB, and to SoA fun ;)
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Post by CM »

Welcome back. Lodge a protest that fable should be sent back to the depths of SYM. I know you dont know what the hell i am saying but do it anyway :p
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Sytze »

Welcome back to one of the best games Ive played Rowdin. BG is indeed very fun :D
Originally posted by CM
Welcome back. Lodge a protest that fable should be sent back to the depths of SYM. I know you dont know what the hell i am saying but do it anyway :p

You just cant resist, can you CM :p
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Post by CM »

No i couldnt :p Fable should be sent back to SYM. Vote people vote for it. :D

So more on topic what made you come back? I personally dont like DAOC. To uber orientated.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by OldRowdin »

I never did play ToB, so now i'am going to. I've gone through bg2 with my undead hunter and party, and have just started on ToB which is a a lot of fun. ( fire giants hurt ) :( but i have'nt started in the WK yet.

I also started a dwarf fighter/thief which will be my main solo char
i started my fav berserker/cleric also which i will finish with at some point.

Thankfully i've forgot alot about the game so large parts of bg2 seem new again.

I'am the type of person that can't play more than 1 game at a time so its this all the way or not at all, and with nothing happening till WoW, I've got to finish ToB, both in a party and solo.
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Post by SwordfortheLord »

I know what you mean. I have played BG saga for the past few years, I keep coming back, trying new characters, soloing, then playing a whole 6 person party, it's different every time!
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Post by drew_jarvie »

I wan the speling award at scool.
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Post by Adahn »

Yeah welcome back ^^ you'll love ToB hehe
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
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