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Traps Question

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Traps Question

Post by KaiSardone »

How do you get new traps? like all my char has is snare currently i need to know how to get more powerful ones. thanks!
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Post by Stilgar »

Play as a bountyhunter or install ToB and wait for the high-level-ability's.
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Post by nephtu »


Do note that arcane and divine spellcasters also get trap-type spells. (Skull trap, glyph of warding, yadda yadda yadda) - they are, however, less discriminating than thief traps.

Oh, and there's also the "dual-class-but-don't" cheese associated with human single class rogues.

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Post by Ekental »

ya... unless your bounty hunter or HL thief you really dont get more than snare... but you might not really need anything more than snare anyway.. so
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Post by SwordfortheLord »


I enjoy traps, so I have tried a few different things.

Playing a Bounty Hunter, you get special traps in addition to the usual snare. You get one of each for every 3 or 4 character levels. I think it's best to duel away from a bounty hunter when I turn level 15, right before the special traps turn to O's sphere (I forget the name of it, but it traps the enemy for a while, with no damage), which is worthless.

Remember that traps are perminent, so you can lay down all of them, rest, and lay more, up to a limit of 7 per area.

If you're hoping to set different types of traps, then I'd choose to be a bounty hunter for a while, then turn to a mage. With this, you can lay traps, then cast spells like glyph or wardling (lightning), skull trap, and delayed blast fireball. Putting all of these together make for a great combo of traps. I'm still waiting for ADD rules to give a mage the spell of 'set magic trap', combining other spells for the effect, that'd be cool.
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Post by Ekental »

Too bad that those mage traps are useless against

Kangaax demi-lich form
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Ekental
Too bad that those mage traps are useless against

Kangaax demi-lich form
try a sunfire, delay blast delay blast on chain contingency me, you won't die, but certain things will...not quite sure about the one you posted, but this will fry lesser types quite effectively. :p

the sunfire makes you invulnerable to fire for a few seconds... ;)
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Post by Ekental »

So that combo works on Demi-lich form? Cuase I tried a sun fire, and it gave me the "Spell ineffective" mesage
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Post by Ian Kognitow »

No, the sunfire-delayed blast-delayed blast is good for his first form and other lichs: lichs are immune to level 1-5 spells, so while sunfire doesn't work, it can protect you for a few seconds, as user points out, while the delayed blasts on self act as sunfires but bypass lich resistance being level 7. Unfortunately demi-lich form is immune to levels 1-9. Demi-lich doesn't have a whole lot of imagination though, so once you figure out how to protect yourself from his nasty trick you should be able to just go beat him up.
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Post by Ekental »

I got him with a bunch of traps and the ring of ram... all those spells didn't do a thing... Carsomyr worked, but without spell protection or distractions my party was just imprisoned left and right
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Post by Ian Kognitow »

The traps and ring use is good (it was mainly how I beat him the first time) but the damage is fairly uncertain - did you just reload until it did enough?
But why no summons or protections at play as well? It somewhat puzzles me that after facing down two specialized lichs who are themselves essentially *afraid* of Kangaxx that a lot of people don't think to pick up a couple of the protection from undead scrolls which aren't all that uncommon to find around.
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