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hmmm! How does it look? A bit of a Spoiler

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Post by Xanatan »


I already finished the game twice, so whattaya mean with big spoiler?
You mean Force Persuade? Nah, I want normal persuade and I belive that skill isn't especially for a jedi... Normally a jedi has awareness, that's most important as I recall...
Scout/scoundrels-->if you have a good fighter they are useless.
Just bash or walk over a mine. The droid is a better expert anywayz, so why should ya build someone in that? If ya really need one, use mission or the droids...
Combat the key in the story, so a weak character is rather stupid.... I understand one would need his experties, but there are much better options..
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Post by Armisael »

Spoilers, highlight to read.
When you encounter Bastila on the temple summit, if you select the dark side options, she joins you as a Dark Jedi for the rest of the game.

I don't mean force persuade, I mean the skill, persuade. It's a class skill for all Jedi classes. Yes, it is. It really is.

There's more to scouts and scoundrels than skills. Scouts have far superior saving throws to soldiers, as well as uncanny dodge, and they receive their implant feats for free. Scoundrels get sneak attack and +6 defense from their scoundrel's luck. If you didn't already know all that, then like I said, you just haven't bothered looking into the other options. It's my experience that a scoundrel/guardian is far more effective than a soldier/guardian, and scoundrel is the only class worth a damn if you're going for a dexterity build.
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Post by Xanatan »

I indeed knew about all thatm but is a scoundrel truly a better fighter than a soldier?
I'll think about the combination anywayz..
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Post by khaselri »

Foolish Xanatan. You are weak. The darkside is power. :D
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Post by Xanatan »

MUHAHAHAHAHA, The light side is where the true power lies!
Passion and Chaos can never overcome Order and Peace!
Even Malak admits it in the end!
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Post by miggz »

Salutations Xanatan. I see (by your first post in this thread) that you are deeply immersed in the game, which is good because that's what RPG is all about. The second time I played SWKotOR I chose to follow the dark side all the way. Eventhough some of the actions I took were disturbing I enjoyed the game as much as being a ligh sider cuz for me RPG is like acting, for a period of time you become somebody else. I chose to be evil and acted accordingly. I try not to let my morality stand in the way cuz the character doesn't share my moral values, it's a construct and therefore I'm compelled to act the way he/she would. Now about your questions:
I don't think you can turn Juhani back to the dark side, I tried.
Yes, your relationship with the other party members would be affected. Some will stick by you, some won't.

One last piece of advice, I'm shure this is not your case but always remember that when you either quit the game or bag the dice you cease to be whoever you were and life goes on as usual. I've been playing RPG's for quite a while (PC, AD&D, Vampire, Werewolf, Trinity etc) and I've seen two persons get stuck between reality and game. It's not a pretty sight. Now don't get me wrong, I'm in no way implying that this might be your case. I just felt the need to explain this hoping that somebody might benefit. Sorry for the long reply.
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Post by Xanatan »

No prob man, yeah, I've played many RPG's aswell, Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, Neverwinter night series etc...
I'm always good though, I should try evil but I just hate doing that evil crap.....
And, light side always seem to be more powerful....
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Post by khaselri »

Foolish minion of the light i will grind your bones into dust!
-Mayer from Family Guy
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Post by Jack Dell »

I am sorry to be so blunt, but your friends have some serious issues if a video game actually affected them profoundly in their real life. I know that games each day become more realistic, and more compelling but that doesnt justifiy it.
I myself couldnt do all the darkside things so I eventually couldnt go through with it. I am currently trying my best though. I dont mind roleplaying, its just that if something doesnt feel right to do, even if it is a game, it doesnt mean that youre messed up or anything, nor that you are sick in any way. Its probably just that you are more acutely sensitive or cannot so easily detach yourself from well, your real self. I find it hard to go through with the darkside, and what really put me off it entirely was that the woman I was playing it with got all screwed up in the face and veiny, and ugly and there I decided to stop it.
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Post by fable »

I think we've wandered a bit away from the thread subject, here. While I've no problem with a discussion about the perils (or lack of same) of RPGs, this probably isn't the place for it--try the Games Discussions category. :)
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