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powergaming off, roleplaying on

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Chris Boney
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powergaming off, roleplaying on

Post by Chris Boney »


This is my first note on this board. I played a swashbuckler6 / mage 17 for over a week and it became really boring after a while. Mostly because my hero didn't get any exp-reward because of the cap, and the cool stuff he couldn't use.
Yesterday I tried out the exp-cap remover he got up to level 24 and at this point my TAC0 suddenly switched from 2 to 18, so hmm I think I'm gonna delete him and start new from the scratch. Any suggestions for a cool singleplayer hero?
Oh, and btw. did anybody ever wonder if the alignment was badly implemented? I mean, if I were to play a chaotic evil hero I wouldnt be happy if every person in the game knew that and for instance charge me +12345% on the prices in shops. If somebody were really evil he would disguise himself as good man, steal the sheep and still be reputable to the shopkeepers as it should be.

Where there's a will, there is a way.
And if there is no way, then we're going to hack and shoot it clear!
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Post by daemon »

thats like the arguement that evil characters would be charged less by shopkeepers fearing being killed/maimed/robbed by an evil b******* such as myself.

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