Auspex will give you the ability to use spirit's touch which will identify unknown items. Spirits Touch is the third level under the Auspex disc. Serena has the auspex disc naturally in Prague, and Lilly has it naturally in London. Make sure they each have this disc, it will make identifying much cheaper then going and purchasing Spirits Touch Scrolls.
Thanx that was helpful
I still can't cast any of the scrolls I have though. In Diablo II you right click the scroll to cast it but I don't know how to do it in Vampire Redemtion.
I believe you click on the scroll in your inventory and then point it at the person you want to cast it on (ie.. at the enemy, yourself, or one of your com-patriots). I believe you left click to get the scroll (pick it up) and then right click once you have it pointing at whomever you want.