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Leviathan LSM Bug? (Spoiler, maybe)

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Leviathan LSM Bug? (Spoiler, maybe)

Post by Disekshonal »

So I attain mastery over the Light side of the Force and being a Jedi Guardian I watch my muscles get all big and buff-like. Then I get 'invited' aboard the Leviathan where the bad guys strip me down to my undies. Mission completes her mission and I get all my stuff back. I put on my Eriadu Strength Amplifier because I like having 23 strength then notice that my strength is only 20. I check that I have am equipped exactly as I was before getting on this pleasure boat and alas, it seems as though the corporeal benefits of my spiritual endeavours have left me.

Where the hell did my +3 Str bonus go? The LSM sigil is still there and light still shines from my nether regions - what is happening? Is this a known bug?
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Post by fable »

Are you sure you have a duplicate configuration to *all* items you previously wore?
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