I remember seeing your character in a pic in one of the other threads, and I just wanna ask you ;cos u give really good responses...
What kind of character do u use 'cos I've tried loads of types of characters and I just wanna experience them all
and over the weekend, Im gonna carry on with the woood elf, its been my fav character so far, here are the statstics:
Name: Mistress Salina Deathstar (female, DUH!
Race: Wood Elf
Sign: Artonach
Specialization: Magic
Favourites: INT and Agility
Custom Class: Witch of the Shadow
Major Skills: Marksman, Unarmoured, Short blade, Alteration, Conjuration
Minor skills: Alchemy, Sneak, Illusion, Mysticim, Restoration
Level: 13
--Shirt of the Goddess (red extravagant shirt with CE restore fatigue 1pt and Water Walking)
--Salinas Pants of War (exquisite with CE Bound Longbow and Bound Cuirass and gauntlets)
--Shadow Belt (Exquisite Belt with CE Night-Eye 40pts)
--Boots of Blinding Speed (Boild Netch Leather Boots with CE 100% Blinding (I use a spell of 100% resist magic to resist blinding) and 200 pts Fortify Speed which I *borrowed* from Pemenie
--Soul Drinker (Daedric Dagger with Cast on Strike Soul Trap 30 sec(reward from Mages Guild in Balmora))
--Daedric wakizashi
--Ring of Summon Golden Saint (Cast when used Summon Golden Saint for 39 secs)
--Ring of Opening (Open 100pts on Touch)
--The second Face with Black eyes
--The Short Black hair
Note: All enchanted items were done by me BTW (I mean by myself, not with the help of any other enchanters!) except for Soul Drinker and Boots of Blinding Speed.....
Well wht do you think?