This is my first run-through trying to follow the romance to completion, and I've run into some problems I think. I've been following the Romance Guide very closely, and I had gotten to LT=31 (if you're familiar with the guide, you'll know what I mean), but that was a LONG time ago (real-time = ~4 weeks, game-time = ~1 week) and I haven't seen anything new since.
1. Can LoveTalk be checked using SK? For some reason I thought it could, but I don't see it under the Global Variables tab.
2. If #1 is Yes, how do I get the variable back?
3. Under Global Variables, is the AnomenRomance value (six-digit number currently) the counter that counts down to the next LoveTalk session? If yes, it doesn't appear to be counting down. What happened and how do I fix it?
I had gotten out of the Underdark, but missed clearing out the Mind-Flayer Dungeon. I realized this after I'd gone back to Athkatla and Anomen got vampired. I got Anomen back, and then went back to the Mind-Flayer Dungeon.
Did I mess up the progression of the game by doing this?
Any help would be appreciated!!
Anomen Romance Questions
The 'Lovetalk' values appear under "Affects" of the romanced NPC, not under Global Variables.
The "counter not counting down" is a commom mis-assumption, the game counts up to this number, not down from it. You can't see or alter the actual counter unfortunatley.
What's the value of "AnomenRomanceActive" ? It should be 2 at that stage of the romance. Also Anomen must have had his test for knighthood to continue with the romance I believe.
The "counter not counting down" is a commom mis-assumption, the game counts up to this number, not down from it. You can't see or alter the actual counter unfortunatley.
What's the value of "AnomenRomanceActive" ? It should be 2 at that stage of the romance. Also Anomen must have had his test for knighthood to continue with the romance I believe.
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
I rested several times before deciding to post the questions.
According to the romance guide I may be at the point where I have to wait for 3 in-game days to pass before Terl will spawn (which I think is the next step) but I'm not sure.
When I pick up the game again later this morning I'll see where that takes me.
Thanks for your help!
According to the romance guide I may be at the point where I have to wait for 3 in-game days to pass before Terl will spawn (which I think is the next step) but I'm not sure.
When I pick up the game again later this morning I'll see where that takes me.
Thanks for your help!