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Sorcerer Questions

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Sorcerer Questions

Post by Teron »

Does charisma have any effect on the Sorcerer class in BG2, other then NPC reaction adj? The game says that int is the primary stat, but I thought the D&D 3rd Edition rules list charisma as the primary stat?

Also can Sorcerers read scrolls like a mage? I only ask because it seems silly to choose find familiar as one of your level 1 spells if you are only going to cast it once. Reading a scroll makes more sense.

And lastly, how much slower than mages do sorcerer's gain spells?

I wish Bioware was a little more forthcoming with info on the sorcerer class.

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Post by Nighthawk »

As far as I can tell, charisma does nothing for Sorcerers that it doesn't do for everyone else.

Sorcerers can use scrolls so learning find familiar is a waste.

I still need to put together the spell progression. Sorcerers actually can cast more spells of each level than a mage, but they get fewer to choose from. When a Sorcerer reaches a new spell level he gets 1 spell of that level that can be cast 3 times. As he continues to level up that will eventually increase to 5 spells and 6 total casts. Note that spells of a given level all use the same pool of casts.

A level 17 sorcerer has something like
Spell Level/Casts/Spells
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