There's also a crystal that drastically increases the amount of damage done on a crit: excellent for use with a short lightsaber.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Use a short saber in your offhand if you think your to hit is a bit low. Later on in the game, your to hit will probably be high enough for you to substitute in another normal saber for the extra damage.
Well, just went through the endgame with increased difficulty and a double-bladed lightsaber complete with Mantle of the Force, Upari, and Solari. That combination pretty much rocks.
If you're using critical strike then you don't want a double-bladed saber, because their base critical threat is 20. Regular lightsabers threaten a critical on a 19 or 20. Critical strike acts as a threat multiplier, so with a double-bladed lightsaber, you're essentially cutting your threat range in half, which is simply no good.
Originally posted by Armisael If you're using critical strike then you don't want a double-bladed saber, because their base critical threat is 20. Regular lightsabers threaten a critical on a 19 or 20. Critical strike acts as a threat multiplier, so with a double-bladed lightsaber, you're essentially cutting your threat range in half, which is simply no good.
Some day I might actually learn the rules, but I was using Master Flurry.