Going for my 4th run through the game and ive decided on a scoudrel/guardian. I was wondering whether to have dex 16 and str 16 OR dex 12 and str 18. I figure ill end up in robes eventually so would the dex bonus be worth it. Its a toss up between 2ac and 1 damage
Oh and im playing female cos a small female guardian looks cool, but a small wimpy male guardian looks kinda napoleonic.
i noticed a higher str is far more useful, the next time i go through the game im just gonna put enought points to get a 0 bonus.....but i dont know if dex has anything to do with the lightsaber.....
Normally defense isn't that big a deal for a guardian, but with a scoundrel I'd probably get the dexterity. With scoundrel's luck you'll still be able to get your defense up to a respectable level without having to sink everything into dex.
Originally posted by web i noticed a higher str is far more useful, the next time i go through the game im just gonna put enought points to get a 0 bonus.....but i dont know if dex has anything to do with the lightsaber.....
Dex or Strenght whatever is the highest gives a bonus to your attack modifier.
I would advise you to not worry to much about your strength and dexterity on Taris because usually Carth will carry your scoundrel through even when you die since he's a soldier so what I usually do is I put Charisma at 14 and intelligence and wisdom at 14 too then I just have constitution, strength, and dexterity at 12 because a scoundrel relies more on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma then his strength, dexterity, and consitution. Plus once you get off Dantooine you have a pretty strong attack going for the guardian and plus you will get better equipment to raise it up, but if your planning on putting your points into str and dex then I would put more into str.