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Conflicts between characters (SPOILERS)

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Conflicts between characters (SPOILERS)

Post by Melondar »

Conflicts between characters

Hey. I was wondering if it is at all possible to Either Edwin and Minsc or Edwin and Valygar in the same party without one of them killing each-other, and without using any cheats or mods. Is there anything you can actually do in-game to keep a party like that together?
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Post by Thrain »

certain characters will conflict with each other and will eventually end up fighting.

- Minsc and Edwin fall out over Edwin being a git about Dynaheir
- Anomen (if he fails his test) will attack aerie
- Keldorn and/or Valygar will try to kill Viconia

mostly comes about by mixing party alignments. no-one messes with korgan though...wonder why ;)
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Post by Melondar »

I understand that, I'm just asking if there is any way that I can have Edwin and either Minsc or Valygar in the same party without them fighting
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Post by Sytze »

I believe the Ease-of-Use mod had a components which solves the inter-party conflicts. Check the sticky at the man page for the link. Icelus made a whole list, and EoU shoukd defenitly be in it. ;)
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Post by Melondar »

Is there any way to do it without resorting to using mods?
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Post by Sytze »

Not to my knowledge, no.

Maybe you could change some globals etc with Shadowkeeper, or desperatly try to prevent the conflict dialogs to kick in.
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Post by Coot »

I had Viconia and Keldorn. I just kept my reputation average and there wasn't any problem. Once you reach ToB, they definetly won't fight.
Reputation isn't the only factor though. There seems to be a random element as well. I guess that keeps it suspenseful. :)
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Post by Demonspoon »

If your lucky the event won't trigger, for some reason, sometimes all the interactions between two characters don't work at all. It happened to me when I was trying to get the legendary Minsc-Jan interactions.

You might be able to bypass the fight by making members leave then rejoin but I don't know...
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Post by fable »

I found that my party NPCs on the ethical "extremes" never came to blows as long as my rep remained in a safe zone. Once complaints started coming in from either group, tensions took over. I can't verify that this will occur for everybody; but it's been my experience over quite a long time.
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Post by lompo »

Originally posted by Thrain messes with korgan though...wonder why ;)

well actually Aerie and Korgan don't go well toghether (you have to drop Korgan in order to keep Aerie or she leaves for good).

But with the "happy party" mod you can solve any problem between the NPC
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Post by chimpmaster »

another one

Another conflict is keldorn and anomen if anomen fails his test....

Mazzy doesnt seem to like Jaheira much either but I havent seem them take it any further than a few snide remarks....
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Post by Thrain »

Originally posted by lompo
well actually Aerie and Korgan don't go well toghether (you have to drop Korgan in order to keep Aerie or she leaves for good).

she doesn't exactly pick a fight though does she. get your point though...
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Post by Armycardinal »


Aerie and Jahiera fight over you (verbally). :) Eventually, you have to choose - or not choose, I guess. I took Jahiera this time...Their verbal sparring is pretty good - cat fight!! RRRAAAAWWW :D

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Post by Coot »

It's the same with Viconia and Jaheira. Viccy drives Jaheira nuts without even trying... ;)
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