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The Ring of Gaxx

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The Ring of Gaxx

Post by Phoenix »

Where do I start the quest to get the ring of Gaxx?
I have already got the Golden Torso when I entered the basement in the Bridge district, not a pleasant surprise - for either of us > Image
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Post by Lucian »

there is a skull in a tomb in the docks that tries to be very convincing for you to put it back together

and the arms and legs can be found in the tomb you come past during the unseeing eye quest that are started in the temple district
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Post by Crovax »

hmmm.....I cant find that basement anymore. I do have the ring of gaxx in another game i played (and finished) but i cant seem to remember where i found that torso
pls help me...
i'm getting sick of walking with my thief all over town.

I must be getting retarded, it's only been a month since i first got that those 2 rings-of-gaxx.
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Post by bullions27 »


Head to the Bridge District, you'll find a unmarked house right next to Delosar's Inn (x=1599 y=3354). Proceed to the basement and you'll come to another tomb. There's another Lich here, Elemental. He has the torso piece.
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Post by Xandax »

A little advice - remember du pick Kangaxx's(sp?) pockets right before he turns hostile - (use pause) - and you can get 2 rings total :-)
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Post by Crovax »

Yes i knew that (I have already been there, just forgot).

The thing is that i think the option to pickpocket kangaxx was left open for a reason. Becuase you get the quest in chapter 2 and imho KANGAXX IS MUCH STORNGER THAN IRINECUS. So defeating Kangaxx was for me only possible afer chapter 5. But by getting 1 ring before you enter spellhold and Ust'nat it makes the game a lot easier. I pickpocketed him and ran away (to fight another day). I played on the highest difficulty setting the second time (makes the big battles a lot more interresting) and therefor Kangaxx was simply impossible at chapter2.

Do you also think that Kangaxx is a lot stronger and harder to defeat than Irinecus???
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Post by Lucian »

just a paladin with carsomyr and a scroll of protection from magic and kangaxx is toast..carsomyr is a +5 weapon so he took full damage and went down fairly pally killed him singlehandedly
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Post by Lucian »

Jierdan Firkraag was much more of a challenge than Kangaxx
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Post by Maurice »

Last time I faced the Shadow Dragon and the Red Dragon, in each occasion I used the 'dialog'-trick to keep them from going hostile. I waxed them before they ever turned hostile on me.

As for Kangaxx, just yesterday I defeated him. You have to pickpocket Kangaxx the Lich (which rises from the tomb), and NOT Kangaxx the DEMILICH (which rises from the corpse of Kangaxx the Lich).

With the Cutthroat +4 and a scroll of protection vs. magic, my main killed him without a scratch.

Actually I don't really like this solution ... without the scroll, the battle is almost impossible, and you are guaranteed for many reloads. The scroll makes the battle extremely easy. I don't like it that ONE item all by itself can make such a HUGE difference in a battle...
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Post by Chade Fallstar »

What the 'dialog'-trick that you are referring to? I'm just curious - I've killed them both (with yoshimo / set traps Image )

about Kangaxx> With Berserking it also isn't really that hard. Or if you use 5th level mage spell protection from magic (and set it to abjuration) for your mage. move him in front and whack Kangaxx dead with Two handed swords etc. behind the mage. But I'm sure you already knew those tricks.
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Post by Maurice »

I knew, but maybe others didn't yet - they can read it now, then.

As for the Dialog trick: Fierkraag is not hostile once you've ended your talk with him, and if you have taken the amulet of Amuana (sp?), the Shadow Dragon won't be hostile either when you get to him.

Then just cast whatever beneficial spells you think you need, and spread the characters you want to engage the Dragon in melee around him (directly next to him).

Pause the game once they're in position, and select one of them, and click the Dragon as if you want to initiate a dialog. Immediatly, without unpausing, select all your party members around him, and force-attack him.

The Dragon will wait for a dialog to initiate, but that will never happen. All the while, you can hack away at the Dragon, without fearing his retribution. Do keep in mind though that eventually, he will respond to your attacks, and go hostile.

This will buy you quite some time at which you can attack him without fear of taking damage yourself.
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Post by Chade Fallstar »

that's like, like, like ... kind of cheating Image - clever though. (Then again you could just cast cloudkills until the dragon dies or set traps or both)
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Post by Maurice »

I would gladly take the credit ... but I didn't figure this out. I don't know who did.
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Chade Fallstar
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Post by Chade Fallstar »

me neither but you could use the same tactic in BG1 to kill Drizzt with level 1 party ...
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Post by Crovax »

Try setting the difficulty at max and stop using protection spells....kangaxx will seem to be god. Imprisonment does work on berserkers (at least thats my experience).

I dont get why people think that firkraag and those other sissy dragons are though. Cast some improved invisibilty on members and have your mages blast him with some magic missiles ,while the invisible characters hack and slash (just remmember 2 have at least 1 attack him from the back).
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Post by Nighthawk »

According to the descriptions, the only think Kangaxx should gain from setting the level higher is more hp. This means it would take longer to kill him and your enrage might run out but other than that makes no difference. Player hit points also would make no difference since he doesn't inflict any damage (just insta kills).

Enrage (berzerker) DOES work against Imprisonment and I have tested it to make sure, but the duration is a lot shorter than Protection from Magic. I'm not sure about Rage (barbarian) since it lists Maze but not Imprisonment and I haven't tested it.
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Post by Crovax »

So enrage does work...kewl

Im gonna play as a berserker next and kill kangax in chapter 2

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Post by Mr Sleep »

Enrage is a Barbarian's skill where as Bezerkers have bezerk, too my knowledge Enrage does not protect against imprisonment Image
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by Lucian
just a paladin with carsomyr and a scroll of protection from magic and kangaxx is toast..carsomyr is a +5 weapon so he took full damage and went down fairly pally killed him singlehandedly
OK, I am doing this, and after over 10 hours, we are still at a mutual stand off. I am immune to every spell he throws, adn he is immune to every one I throw back :rolleyes:
The dialogue box says my weapon is inefective. Occasionaly I get a 'critical hit', yet his stats remian that he is uninjured. I whail on him as long as I can, then just befor my 'protection from magic' wears of, I run out , rest and recast it...(Using helm of Veihlor) SP? . When I use Carsomyr to cast sun ray it has no effect. :confused:

I am running out of ideas :(

Scayde Moody
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by Scayde
OK, I am doing this, and after over 10 hours, we are still at a mutual stand off. I am immune to every spell he throws, adn he is immune to every one I throw back :rolleyes:
The dialogue box says my weapon is inefective. Occasionaly I get a 'critical hit', yet his stats remian that he is uninjured. I whail on him as long as I can, then just befor my 'protection from magic' wears of, I run out , rest and recast it...(Using helm of Veihlor) SP? . When I use Carsomyr to cast sun ray it has no effect. :confused:

I am running out of ideas :(

Hey wait, I thought Daystar was the sword with Sunray, and that Carsomyr could only cast Dispel Magic as an innate ability thrice per day. That's unless you're talking about that improved items mod that UncleScratchy has a topic about. If so, then I really need to get my facts straight, if not get myself some strong coffee. :o

Then again, if I myself were to have too much caffeine, than I'm no more enraged than Korgan on a hangover after finding that the Copper Coronet's out of its strongest drinks. ;)

Either that, or he has a hangover and someone put his own socks over his face while he was passed out.
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