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One more Solstheim question . . .

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One more Solstheim question . . .

Post by Indianasmith »

this stupid little Rickling, Krish, keeps getting himself killed when I try to escort him past the Deadly Grahl. Can I complete the Castle Karstaag quest without him?


ALSO - if you like Daedric armor, there is a paldron up in the tower of Castle Karstaag, half buried in the ice . . . worth
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Post by Coot »

I had the same problem. You can try a few things:
- Lead him somewhere so he'll get stuck and, consequently, can't follow you. The danger there is that you may not succeed in getting him unstuck afterwards.
- He's quite tough and won't die just like that, he can fight at least one Grahl without dying. You can use the 'heal companion' spell on him after every fight.
- Or you can rest after every Grahl kill. IIRC Krish will be healed after resting too, same as your pc.
- Use summons. If you can get them to attack the Grahl before Krish does, the Grahl will go after the summons, taking the heath of Krish.
Good luck! :)
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Post by SLAYER (TIM) »

Ok sleeping would be a good way but BE CAREFULL as if i kill something and dipose of corpse its usally there when i wake back up so if ya gonna fight it leave it and less u like the feeling of slaying creaturs.....

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Post by Gwalchmai »

Can't you just go kill the grahl before you talk to him?
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by Coot »

No, that's the frustrating part, he's in a tunnel and you can't avoid him, even when sneaking.
You might try to enter the castle from the opposite side, that is from above while levitating, so you'll meet the Grahl before meeting Krish... but I'm not sure that's possible.
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Post by Loredweller »

No, it isn't possible, to travel together with Krish is the only way. And take care not to touch the door before all Grahls are gone and Krish is right behind you or the door may just not work next time even if conditions are right (have experienced it myself).

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Post by Dyre Straits »

This has got me very frustrated, too. :mad:

I wish they'd at least have allowed a 'travel together' option so that Krish could be kept at bay while my character could go it alone at least until Krish is needed again to proceed. He's just too eager to get into the fight and get himself killed.

A 'resurrect' spell would be nice here. :)

EDIT: Well, it took some time, but, I made it through and have proceeded to the Maze Quest.
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Post by Loredweller »

For such occasions i usually keep a set of items in my backpack giving in total 100 Chameleon on Touch for 30". NPC with 100% Chameleon is pretty safe even if it's fighting, at least as long there is another but visible target (you ;) ) nearby.
Well, and have means to heal him after each encounter, of course.

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Post by Greg. »

Paralysis/Blind on target (either Krish or the Grahl). Calm Creature (on the Grahl). Drain strength (Grahl).

Either that or fortify yourself so you can take them down quickly and move faster than Krish.
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Beind quite fast at that time all I did was ran quickly to the next Grahl a kill it before Krish could reach the fight. It was quite effective. :)
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