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The Power Of NPC'S

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Post by Mulligan »

Complete Guide

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Post by Mulligan »

Re: Raumoheru

Do you mean steal it with a rouge ?

I'm not sure it can be done but you would have to "un-equip" it to have a chance, IOW place it in his invetory first.

Would be nice if it worked so we would't have to kill him to get it ;)

Into the Fray :) :) :)
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Post by Greywulf »

Originally posted by Raumoheru
...that tube. what does that tube do anyway?

The tube is a chime of opening once you identify it - but guess what? It doesn't do anyhthing anyway. What's more, merchants won't buy it. It would've been simple enough to give it a "knock" ability or something, like I expecetd, but it has no properties, powers, or uses.

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Post by Mulligan »

Hey, Grey

I know that one should be able to hire Cavanough as an Npc.

I've read in the walkthrough how to, but he always ends up as a beggar and my only options are to give him various amounts of gold so he can get drunk !

Anyone know how to do this ? How to EXACLTY make him join ?

Answers appreciated :) :) :)
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Post by Greywulf »

Sure - for Cavanaugh:

First, intimidate him to pay his dues to Calmert and report back to Cal telling him Cav will pay tomorrow.
Wait 24 hours and find Cav outside the Wench - I gave him 100 gp to ease his pain.
Go into the Wench (or wherever) and wait another 24 hours.
Cav will be outside again, having spent the gold on beer - he's drunk, but I had the option to say, "you look like you'd be good to have in a tight spot" or something to that effect - then you get an option to have him join.

At least that's how it worked for me

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Post by Greywulf »

Hey, ma - look what I bought from the fat lady...


Starts as a 3rd level TN human rogue AC 15 HP 16
Takes all subsequent levels as fighter
She ended up with 63 HP for me

She starts with a rusty rapier, leather armor, and a ring of invisibility - she'll encumber fairly easily, so be careful

STR 10 INT 8 WIS 10
DEX 16 CON 12 CHA 15

Starting feats: standard rogue weapon and armor profs, point blank shot, weapon finesse, evasion, sneak, trapfinding

She will also take: all the standard fighter weapon and armor profs, dodge, blind-fight, gnome hooked hammer (this is the third NPC to take this weapon - what's up with that? It's a crappy weapon), and spiked chain (NPC fighters seem to love the exotics, eh?)

Starting skills: 6 in disable, gather info, hide, open lock, search, tumble, and use device (she doesn't increase in these except for tumble which ended at 6.5)

She will take points in heal and spot (.5/level each) thereafter until she finishes with 3.5 in each

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Post by Greywulf »

My first hooker...


Starts as a 2nd level human rogue
AC 14 HP 13
No items in inventory
she ended up with 50 HP for me

You need to have the Co8 patch installed, as Riana (who is Serena's sister) is found in the brothel - you must ask Madam Ophelia, "Who do you recommend?" to get referred to Riana - after that you can ask her to join you.

STR 13 INT 10 WIS 11
DEX 16 CON 12 CHA 16

Starting feats: rogue armor and weapons, evasion, sneak attack, trapfind, dodge, stealthy
She'll eventually get: uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and skillmastery

Starting skills: disable, hide, listen, move, open, search, spot, and tumble at 5
She'll also get: use device and sleight
Hide, move, spot, sleight, and use will improve to 7 - the others stay at 5

Riana has better stats than her sister, plus since she starts off nude, you can give her equipment you want without encumbering her right off the bat, whereas Serena, who will never sell her crappy armor or rapier, will cry out the minute you give her decent armor and/or a weapon

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Post by Greywulf »

A real prince of a guy...


10th level CG human fighter
AC 20 HP 94

You have to find Thrommel in the Temple dungeon level 3

He's equipped with leather boots, scalemail, a large steel shield, and expensive ring, belt, and amulet (all non-magical); he has 2 scrolls of bull's strength, a +2 dagger, and the bastard sword, Fragarach

STR 17 INT 13 WIS 12
DEX 16 CON 16 CHA 15

Feats: all the standard fighter profs, plus: bastard sword, acrobatic, alertness, cleave, great cleave, power attack, and combat reflexes

Skills: listen, search, and spot at 6.5

Easily the best NPC in the game, but there's always a catch:

He'll leave the party as soon as you leave the Temple, but:

As a reward, in about 20 days, a party of his will intercept you in your travels and give each party member a +1 ring of protection, a potion of cure serious wounds, 1000 pp, a silver star badge of Veluna, a gold crown badge of Furyondy, and whoever he speaks to will also get Scather, which is a twin to his sword, Fragarach.

As usual, there's also a cheat:

You can accept tp help him out, then kill him, get xp for doing so, keep him in the party, loot all his items, leave the Temple, get him raised by Terjon, and when you leave Terjon's church, Thrommel will still thank you and you'll still get your reward.

And, for the record:

Bastard sword - Chaotic and Holy. If the wielder is non-evil, Scather never misses, +4 damage (+8 if the target is evil and the wielder is CN, CG, or NG). CG wielders get free unlimited attacks of opportunity against any opponent making a melee attack against the wearer (CN wielders get one free AoO per round).

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Post by Greywulf »

The world's worst fighter - and the winner is...


1st level CE human fighter
The "man-at-arms" for hire from Rannos and Gremag
8 HP and 13 AC
He finished with 80 HP for me

STR 12 INT 9 WIS 7
DEX 13 CON 10 CHA 7

Starts off with leather equipment and armor, longsword and longbow - the traders reference getting his chainmail, but this never came to pass - he has leather armor

Initial feats: standard fighter profs, plus improved initiative and cleave (but not power attack)
Additional feats: blind-fight, dodge, mobility, gnome hooked hammer, spiked chain

Initial skill levels: listen and search at 1.5, spot at 1
Final skill levels: listen and search at 1.5, spot 2, tumble 4.5, intimidate 7

Terrible stats! But guess what? He doesn't loot (at all)!

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Post by Greywulf »

Better off a beggar...


1st level TN human fighter
AC 10 HP 6 (he'll start disabled because he's drunk)
He finished with 60 HP for me

You have to intimidate him into paying his dues to Calmert, and he'll become a beggar in front of the W. Wench - you can ask him to join after you've given him 100 gp (least that's what I gave him). You have to visit Calmert again after reporting back to him the first time, and then also wait a day before he'll appear outside the Wench. I talked to the Braumeister about him, too. You must also wait a day after giving him the gp before you can ask him to join. He is dubbed, "Cavanaugh the Beggar" in your group.
Also, in my logbook, I have a reputation as, "Beggar Maker," an unflattering reference to my willingness to reduce peope to begging

STR 10 INT 10 WIS 10
DEX 10 CON 10 CHA 10

He'll only have on some ragged clothes

Initial feats: standard fighter profs
Additional feats: blind-fight, gnome hook hammer, spike chain, shuriken, and improved critical (unarmed strike)

Initial skills: tumble 1, intimidate 2
Final skills: intimidate 2, tumble 5.5, heal and spot 4.5

If you try to dialogue with him after having him join, he will leave the group and vanish permanently

Also, if you have your party kill him (for whatever reasons) you will be labeled "The Butcher of Hommlet" and the people in Hommlet will attack you on sight - so let him get killed rather than killing him yourself if such is your decision - but, even then I found that having him die in any way while in my party got me labeled "The Butcher of Hommlet" - maybe it's buggy, but be forewarned.

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Post by Greywulf »

Humor in all things...

TED, ED, and ED

All these guys are 1st level TN fighters, with standard fighter profs

Found in cell on dungeon level 1 (where Morgan is - location clarified in his post on this thread), but only when you ask Mona for the fortune having to do with finding humor in all things (or something to that effect).

The humor portion (aside from them being fairly useless) is that they sound like southern hicks (yee-haw, fellers - it's gonna be a hot 'un tonight!).


leader, strong one, dextrous one
AC: 10, 10, 10
HP: 1, 4, 3 (starting HP numbers have varied)

STR: 10, 15, 10
INT: 10, 10, 10
WIS: 10, 10, 10
DEX: 10, 10, 15
CON: 10, 10, 10
CHA: 10, 10, 10

Ted finished with 50 HP, Strong Ed with 66, and Dextrous Ed with 51

Ted: diplo 2, listen 1, search 1
Finished with diplo 2, listen and search 6.5, intimidate 5

Ed (strong one): listen 1, search 1.5, spot 1.5
Finished with listen 1, search, 1.5, spot 6, heal and tumble 4.5

Ed (dextrous one): listen 1.5, search 1.5, spot 1
Finished with listen and searc 6, spot 5.5

Ted: impr initiative, combat relexes
Adds: blindfight, gnome hook hammer, spike chain, rapid reload, shuriken

Ed (strong one): power attack, cleave
Adds: blindfight, bastard sword, dwarven waraxe, great cleave, gnome hook hammer

Ed (dextrous one): weapon finesse, combat reflexes
Adds: blindfight, dodge, gnome hook hammer, impr initiative, spiked chain

...and yes, you have to take all three of them (but if one dies the others stay).

Best lines:
In the Water Temple: "This place is slicker than otter snot"
In the Fire Node: "It's hotter than a goat's butt in a pickle patch"

Best feature: They don't loot!

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Post by Greywulf »


As of right now, all the NPCs available in the game are presented herein with the following exceptions:

From the Elemental Nodes:

From the Temple:

From Nulb:
Mother Screng and Hruda

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Post by Eflat »

I've often used Meleny, Kella, Taki and Darley from time to time. Meleny is great as you can drop her off at home from time to time and only pick her up again whenever you feel like having the extra spell power around - she's a 1st level druid - it doesn't take me long to bring her up to 10th level, just hang around on the third level of the temple.

Kella is a 7th level druid - with a ring of polymorph to hill giant, Taki is a 7th level fighter and Darley of course is an alu-demon.
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Post by Greywulf »


I've read that Kella will only join a neutral-aligned group or that you have to either talk to her with a druid or have a druid in the group.

Can you (or anyone else) confirm or deny?
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Post by Greywulf »

Ignore - duplicate of previous post, but I wasn't allowed to delete. Sorry.

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Post by Arachnol »

About MELENY casting


I just read that either Mulligan or Greywulf posted that Meleny cannot cast 5th level spells in the post patch version: isn't it because of her limited Wisdom (which is according to the post on 14-15)?

That would be a decent explanation by the rules...

Just a thought
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Post by Greywulf »

Yeah - and Mull mentioned that even if you craft an amulet of wisdom it doesn't enable to her cast higher level spells, although it should. In an unpatched game, he said that such an amulet's wisdom boost did enable her to cast 5th level spells.

I haven't explored this, but I'm gonna grab Mel later in my current game, and I'll check it out then.

But you are on the money about her wisdom being the limiting factor.

Good stuff.

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Post by Arachnol »

Thanks Grey.

I am a huge PnP fan, and chose this game b/c it was DnD...

But too bad the patches won't fix everything :(
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Post by Arachnol »

and BTW, I am a great fan of NPCs, since I play in the closest version to the PnP: the one where you don't save....
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Post by patchel »

Kella would not talk to my neutral good aligned party. She did talk to my chaotic neutral party which had a druid in it.
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