Except yours, I guess ...
Compare this (yours)...
"Every thread and post i read is usually well constructed and correctly annotated, does anyone agree that BG games and RPG's in general help a persons vocabulary, not too mention there wit"
...with this:
"Every thread and post I read is usually well constructed and correctly annotated. Does anyone agree, that BG games and RPG's in general help a person's vocabulary, not to mention their wit?"
Hell, English isn't even my primary language. I agree with you, though, that such games do help to stimulate the language in which the game is played. Games like these require you to read a lot of text, and it is logical that you pick up a thing or two from the grammar and such. Personally I always get somewhat annoyed when people write almost intelligeble texts, like 'u w8 their, nad u vill se wat I meen.' Especially since English is not my primary language at all, and I would have to have the same problems.
Overall, I think I make very little errors in my messages, and if I make them, they really are typo's I overlook when re-reading my message before posting.
By the way, Sleepy, what did you do with your '?' key?? Did you sell it, or what?