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HELP, I lost my Manuel

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HELP, I lost my Manuel

Post by Baharty »

I just bought this great game and then we moved and I lost my manuel

I dont know how to cast spells, make spell, Soul Gems or use any of the magical weapons is there someone who can help?
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Post by UncleScratchy »

All those subjects have been discussed on this forum at length. Just use the forum search function to find old threads related to your areas of confusion.

Briefly, to cast a spell you must first learn it. To learn a spell you just buy the one you want from a priest or mage that sells them. The merchant in Seyda Neen sells some basic spells, just ask him which ones are popular and he will show you his list. You pay for it and then you automatically know it. To cast it you must equip it into the spell box (right next to the equipped weapon box). Open you inventory, go to the known spell menu in the lower right corner of the screen and click on the spell you want to cast. It's symbol will show up in the spell box now. To cast it you must press the "R" key to ready it. Your hands will come up in front of you. Now just left aim at your target and right click on the mouse. Good beginning spells are any innate spells that come with your character's race and Hearth Heal. Your magicka will be drained by the appropriate amount it needs to cast the spell. Sleeping will regenerate magicka (unless you are birthsign Atronach). Your blue magicka bar will increase as your Intellegence goes up in points. You can also equip spells, including one use scrolls and enchanted item spells into your quickslots by pressing the F1 button and then the slot and then the spell effect you want. To ready the spell you just need to hit the corresponding numerical button (1-9).

To make spells you need to go to a spellmaker (a priest or mage) and talk to them. An option to make spells will come up - click on it and its self explanatory. But you do need to know some form of the basic spell in advance. So if you want to make a custom paralyze or frenzy spell just buy a cheap version of one of these so that it is memorized and then talk to the spell maker. As long as you have the gold and the basic spell he/she will concoct the spell to your specifications. Be aware that you can make spells more powerfull than you can cast (at least until you train up a bit). There are two numbers associated with each spell - the first tells you the chance of successfully casting it and the second tells you the amount of magicka it will use up.

Magical weapons that "cast on strike" don't need any intervention. Just equip and use. The magical effect will be cast with each successful hit until it is drained. Sleeping and resting will recharge the weapon. You can use charged soul gems to recharge weapons in an emergency but the chance of it working depends on your Enchant skill level. To do this open your inventory and drag a charged soul gem onto your characters avatar - a screen will come up asking if you want to recharge an item or enchant an item. Chose the recharge option and then the weapon you want to recharge. This works best with petty soul gems unless you have very high Enchant skill. Same goes for enchanting an item yourself. You need the soul gem with the trapped soul, you need to have the basic spell effect memorized and you have to have an item to enchant. Your chance of success depends on your Intelligence and Enchant levels. For 100% success just pay a professional enchanter (mages/priests) to do it. The cost depends on what you try to make. Enchanting an item does NOT increase its resale value.

To use the spell on an enchanted item that is a "cast on use" spell you must ready the spell effect into your spell box just like a memorized spell - and the item must be equipped. If you want to put the enchanted item spell into a quickslot, again use F1, click the box (1-9) and then click on the spell effect NOT the item itself. Then when you hit the number key for that spell the item will automatically be equipped and the spell placed in your ready spell box. Then press "R", aim and right click on mouse. If you are casting a healing spell on yourself you do not need to aim.

Please try the forum search function for more details - especially on enchanting.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Don't worry so much about losing the manual it's not that great and does not have that much usefull info, but do a few searches in the forum as suggested and you will find anything you need.
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I'm not really new (Well I kinda am, but not to Morrowind) but I've been wondering what does dispell do??????
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Post by thousandfrac »

dispels magical effects
for instance you can dispel a shield off of someone. or a golden saint might just dispel a soultrap you cast on them
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