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Kensai/Mage/Thief Multi-Class

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Kensai/Mage/Thief Multi-Class

Post by Logic88 »


Although I've been browsing this forum a lot over the past few months, this is my very first post. So I expect you to post "Welcome... blaahh", now! ;)

Anyway, I just made this fun easy-to-create build using SK (Shadow Keeper). I made my little Kensai through the Pregenerate Character thing, available after clicking Multi-Player Game, then opened it with SK and changed class from Fighter to F/M/T, but kept Kensai as kit (instead of True Class). (This could of course be made opening a save game, or whatever, as well, but I thought it'd be fun to start a new game with my little K/M/T.) Now I have a nice Kensai/Mage/Thief. Since I just created it I don't know if it's gonna be that cool the whole game, but in time I'm going to be able to both cast spells, Use Any Item and get some Greater Whirlwinds with this character, and still be able to continue both my Kensai (to get this lovely +1 hit and dmg every third level and another kai every fourth, whirlies), Mage (hmm...of what use could this class possibly be?) and Thief (backstabb, Use Any Item, thieving skills) progress the whole game. Sounds like a very good jack-of-all-trades character imo, cheesy thing! You could of course make a Kensai/Mage/Cleric, but then you won't be able to wield Z's Blade (and more) due to the Cleric's ethos. A good point about the character is that you won't need another thief in your party, and you *mustn't* have another mage either. :D

I am most probably not the first doing this (I haven't seen this anywhere else though, but it's prolly just me not browsing enough), but I'd like to know what you guys think about it? Is this a good build? Could it be compared with a Kensai/Sorcerer? Is there a way to create a Kensai/Sorcerer/Thief multi-class?, because that would rule... :confused:

Thanks for your opinions... :)

PS. Please don't complain about the Kensai/Mage/Thief being a hacked character. DS. :o
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Post by Sytze »

This is a very cool class, and incredibly powerful at higher levels.
Image your PC with the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power.

Casting timestop-> Improved Aclarity-> Black Blade of Disaster-> Greater Whirlwind-> Enemies dead in no time.

You got a jack of all trades here, and a powerful one too.

The drawback however, is that he will level up very slow. So I dont know if ure planning to play a solo game or with a party (and if the second is the case, how many party members will you have??). Cause if you are playing in a party, dont expect to be powerfull quick, You will be pretty weak erly on, but at the beginning of ToB, you will be a havoc wrecking machine :D

Ohh, and welcome to the board :p ;)
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Post by Logic88 »


I was planning on a party with at least Minsc (love him, coolest NPC ever! prolly gonna romance him too :D ) and Keldorn (cool banting with Minsc! :p and Carsomyr and Dispel Magic of course). These are must-haves. Beyond that, I'm not really sure... I don't feel like getting another mage or thief. In SoA I'll perhaps get Anomen and/or Jaheira (I still need a Cleric or Druid). That's it I believe. That makes it 4 to 5 members, but I could (sacrificing romances of course) kick them out temporairly and get some nice scroll exp. If it won't work well I could always kick 'em out permanently and solo. There's always a way! :D

And, thanks for the welcoming. ;)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

possible: kensai sorceror, kensai sorceror cleric druid....

impossible: kensai sorceror thief (hard coded into game engine)

to make a kensai sorceror...

make kensai/thief multi(elven), level up using

CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("insert number here")

until you hit "dual" level that you want, (after getting use any item) then sk to sorceror...and modify the number of attacks per round...(non fighters can only attack once per round)

set level to 0, you are now a sorceror who's inherited all your previous kensai's abilities... :p :p :p

and yes...unbelievably powerful...

kensai sorc cleric druids is much harder to do...i made spells using near infinity, made a selection of cleric and druid spells into mage spells and gave them to my kensai sorceror...

imagine a sorceror kensai chain contingency three implosions, or nature's beauty or aura of flaming death with globe of blades...

muwahhahahahhah!!!!!!!!! :D
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Post by JackOfClubs »

I played the Kensai/Mage/Thief combo, but I am sad to say I didn't find it all that interesting. The main problem is that, in a party situation, the Fighter and Mage abilities are not very useful together at higher levels. The main advantage of having a Kensai/Mage is the ability to buff up before combat (with things like StoneSkin and Mirror Image). Since these are all low-level spells, this works great during the SoA levels but is not a good use of XP once you get into ToB. Any offensive use of spells pretty much disables the Kensai's fighiting ability, so it is better, overall, to have these spells cast by other party members. Furthermore, the Thief's Use Any Item ability makes a lot of the Mage buffs irrelevant, since the Kensai can now wear armor and use items that duplicate spell effects.

Of course, as a solo character much of this would not apply since solo tactics demand more versatility, which is the strength of the KMT (or FMT for that matter).
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Post by lompo »

Well a K/M/T is indeed a powerful char, but his effectivness depend on hao you play it.
First being a tripple class in a party of 5-6 will lev. up very slowly, so my suggestion is take Jaheira (complement well with F/M/T) and do some duo adventure to level 'em up.
Once they reach at least 2 million exp each you can have other char join you (they will join you at 12th lev, so they wan't be too much behind).
Second a K/M/T is not an offensive spellcaster (he will have relativly low and few spells), but most of his spell should focus on buffing and protections with some offensive spells just in support to your main spellcaster, he is the thief of the team and a support fighter (a good one once well buffed), plus he is the best backstabber of the game once you get your hand on the spell mislead.
In ToB he wan't loose effectivness, because you'll have a good thief (traps/UAI!!!), a good fighter (should be in the range of 15-20 lev) and a good support mage (up to 8th lev. spells) all in one!!
Remember that in ToB you need high lev buffs (PfMW, mislead, imp. inv., S.I., imp. haste).
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