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Priest's Spells Question

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Priest's Spells Question

Post by methestel »

Hey everyone,

I have the BG2 box set (no manual in this one) and I wanted to know how priests gain spells - mages get them from scrolls - but how does jaheira, for example, learn new spells?


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Post by araknid70 »

Priests and druids don't need to learn spells. All their spells are learnt with each new spell level obtained. If u got the BG2/ToB set in UK, there should be a disc with the manuals in pdf on it provided.
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Post by krunchyfrogg »

In a role-playing sense, clerics and druids gain spells by praying to their diety/force at a certain time each day.

IIRC, in P&P D&D, it takes an hour.
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Post by methestel »

re: priest spells

So does that mean that when my characters gain a level (priests) it's just a matter of luck which spells they learn? Is there a temple Amnoen/Jaheira/etc... can go to in order to pray for other spells?

(for some reason the BG2 edition in its present form has no manual - It's not pirated - honestly!)


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Post by methestel »

priest spells (again)

What I mean is that it would be really convenient at this particular time if one of my priests could learn free action and lesser restoration.

Bah - blasted vampires...

and on that note, since this is about vampires anyway, does anyone have any good vampire fighting strategies?


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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Re: re: priest spells
Originally posted by methestel

(for some reason the BG2 edition in its present form has no manual - It's not pirated - honestly!)

Your install directory should contain a pdf version of the BG2 manual.

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Post by araknid70 »

No no, it's not a matter of luck. Every time your priest gains a new spell level ALL the priest spells for that level are automatically learnt (or written in the spellbook, or whatever). And lesser restoration is a level 5 spell, which should be available from a very early stage in the game. How come you're fighting vampires already?
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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Re: priest spells (again)
Originally posted by methestel

Bah - blasted vampires...

and on that note, since this is about vampires anyway, does anyone have any good vampire fighting strategies?



Check the main page (Game Banshee) ~~ it has many strategies to get you started.

Vampires are a pain b/c they are fast, regenerate very quickly, level drain and can easily dominate your characters/summons. I rarely play clerics, but I guess hitting the vampires with turn undead (need high level), false dawn can damage/confuse the vampires. Your best bet is to hit them hard with 1-2 hasted fighters wearing level-drain immunity items and (v. important!) protected by chaotic commands to avoid domination. Daystar (casts Sunray too) and upgraded Mace of Disruption are particularly effective weapons. Other party members should stay out of sight to avoid domination. Minsc is a ranger with racial enemy Vampire so he is particularly useful as a vampire slayer.

No-fighter party will have to stay back, send hasted summons (skeleton warriors, mordie swords preferably) and fry the vampires with fireballs/clouds. Sunfire can be very useful too, but the caster needs heavy-duty domination, combat and level-drain protections.

Good luck!

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