This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
Hello, I just staretd playing MW for x-box, and I find it quite difficult: I am a Lvl 3, Kajit, thief, with high agility and athletics.
What I find impossible is that even killing rats is hard, and I usually have to flee (killing man-like cratures is even impossible for me).
I don't use armor, and I hit with my bare hands.
Is it possible? am I mistaking something?
To kill someone with your bare hands at lvl 3? yeah i would classify that as.... (let me find a appropriate way to phrase it)
Mission Impossible (at least very close to that).
See You have to first knock him/it/she out (unconisous) just doing that is hard enough. Then when you get to that point keep hitting em, and it's at this point on you start decreasing their health. Unfortunatly the beeing might get back it's conisousnes while you are kick'ing its butt, so then it's nearly to start all over again. .
But anyway it's a great way to increase your unarmed skill, (the only way I would say)
what do you think I should do. I tryied using several weapons (swords, warhammers, bows), but none work, and I get killed anyway. Armor instead bothers me, since I cannot run or jump with it on (chitin armor, I mean).
What am I doing wrong?
You should keep trying, in the end you will kill them. The best is to use a long blade in the beginning, or another weapon if it's a major or minor skill of you. Bare hands is ok, but you have to practice it a LOT to make it work sufficient.
what do you think I should do. I tryied using several weapons (swords, warhammers, bows), but none work, and I get killed anyway. Armor instead bothers me, since I cannot run or jump with it on (chitin armor, I mean).
What am I doing wrong?
You should first get some expecience in one weapon type, than later, when you don't have big problems killing the normal creaters (rats, crabs etc.), you can start using more types of weapons.
the prblem is that I cannot even get to kill a rat with any weapon, without risking to get killed.
Just to be more precise: I finished to quest in Balmora to get rid of the rats for some lady. I killed three, but saving every single hit, and reloading hundreds of times.
I'll try to look at my second skills, and get the weapon that fits me most.
Did you not take the dagger, lockpick etc form the registration office in Seyda neen? anyway my advice is to pick a weapon like a shortsword/dagger as monolith said. dont worry about not hitting often at the beggining, everyones that bad in the beggining, by about lvl 10 you'll be owning rats no probs. if your really having trouble, when you lvl up put points onto your agility as, this increases your ability to attack and dodge attacks.
if you are stuck for decent weapons/armour try:
[Going to ghostgate, its north of balmora(where you meet Caious Casades) head north until you hit a BIG magical fence, walk around this until you reach the gate, dont go in the gate, you will get slaughtered. Instead go in the door to the left of the main gate, once inside go downstairs, through a door. another rtoom should load wtih a few people in it and two doors, in one of the doors is a blacksmith who has the BEST armour for a light armour class thief-glass armour. to get this armour walk up to the smithntil he says something, then walk around him (his gaze follows you until he's finished saying his piece) then when he is facing away from the shelfs proceed to nick his goodies.
Doing this should also raise your stealth level slightly.
dont get caught, dont attack the smith. he will kill you in both circumstances
check the crates too as often there is a glass tower sheild in one of them, this is better than the standard glass sheild]