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lame battle strategy

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lame battle strategy

Post by methestel »

Sadly enough, I've found that most battles (even some of the most challenging ones) in BG2 can be won without your party firing a single shot or taking a single swipe of the sword...

With Jaheira and some mages, (but especially Jaheira) summon some fire elementals (sometimes you get the mad butt-kicking 12HD variety), haste them, add some Ogres or other assorted Monster Summoning III creatures, lead them to the bad guys and then sit back (even rest!) while your little summoned possee works them over.

Oh, the number of vampires and Umber Hulks I've killed that way...


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Post by araknid70 »

Honestly, I'd like to see how many dragons you've managed to kill with that tactic. :)
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Post by Stilgar »

True, but plain BG2 had some AI flaws.
You can cloudkill dragons to death without it attacking you for example.
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Post by Rob-hin »

But what is the fun in that?
I played a wizard slayer with spell resistance over 100 at the end of ToB, spellcasters never got though my SR, even at the beginning when it still was resonably low.

I could send myself out, let the spellcasters use up all their spells and kill them easely after that.
Result: boring, so I didn't. :)
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by araknid70
Honestly, I'd like to see how many dragons you've managed to kill with that tactic. :)

Heh. Or Bodhi. ;) And Improved Liches would just eat this kind of strategy for lunch--assuming liches eat anything, of course.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

But they are usefull anyway after the instakilling spells are worn out.
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Post by nephtu »


Pet swarms, especially if you use a little PI cheese, can be a wonderful techniques for dealing with all kinds of nasties - How many creatures, even in ToB can stand up to six or seven Planetars? MY personal favorite, though is a horde of Skeleton warriors - highly resistant to magic, last all day, and cheap summons :eek:

Certainly, the tactics mod adds some nifty abilities in to the NPCs to defeat some of the lamest cheese tactics (like offscreen cloudkill)
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Post by Kaitsuburi »

A horde of hasted invisible Skeleton Warriors is definitely something to fear :D A horde of planetars is obscene (I don't do that)...

Without mods, the game engine is easy to mod. With improved AI, enemies have the nasty habit of casting Death Spell which instantly kills almost all summons (even Skeleton Warriors IIRC --> please correct me if I'm wrong).

You can still summon a lot of fodder to wear out your enemies' spell arsenal (Power Blind a lich, keep sending fodder and watch him be annoyed into imprisoning the poor gnolls or using his Abi-Dalzims to get rid of them). Definitely not straightforward cheese though.

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Post by methestel »


you guys are so over my head... - I'm not really very far along in the game yet - but it is certainly starting to get carnage-tastic thanks to my little firey friends. Yikes, I haven't even considered mods (let alone figured out what in blazes they are in the first place,) or how to 'do' or 'start' or 'install' or 'smoke but don't inhale' them or anything or whatever you do with them...

A little help?

Obviously dragons would haul out the boostafazoo on my a*s out of sheer contempt were I to try this on them, but I stand by this lame a*s strategy as the easiest way to get past the nuisance monsters (umber hulks, vampires... well, mostly those two actually).

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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Sorry, "mods" are tweaks and additions to the game. Read the sticky about detailed info on each one. The Weidu mods are written mainly by Westley Weimer who created a scripting language called "Weidu" that allows mods making use of it to be easily installed/uninstalled/updated without disrupting/corrupting the game.

"Tactics" is a Weidu mod by Weimer that consists of a collection of various tweaks making enemies "smarter" and "tougher" by allowing them to anticipate and thwart common "cheese" tactics (such as excessive off-screen monster summoning) by powergaming BG2 players. For example, enemies would cast "death spell," instantly getting rid of your monsters; or attack your character(s) instead of concentrating on your summoned monsters until all of the latter are dead.

That being said, even in the original unmodded game when faced with vampires/liches for instance, summoning monsters is not very effective. But it definitely buys you some time. I always tend to carry a charged wand of animal summoning in case things get tough...

Definitely though, before looking into the mods, play without any mods, discover your playing style and your kinds of "cheese" :) :)

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