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Imoen: When do you get on a cruise for Spellhold?

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Imoen: When do you get on a cruise for Spellhold?

Post by krunchyfrogg »

Just curious: When you plan on taking Imoen into your party, when do you head off in search of her?
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Post by Julian »

I always try to do as many side quests as possible, last time through i did all of them except the Twisted Rune and Illithid's

I usally dont do watchers keep in SoA, but it is at least possible to get to lvl 3 of watchers keep in chapter 2.

I would recommend to get the npc's you want and get some god stash for them, if you are bringning keldorn get the holy sword.

So all this should put at about lvl 12 or 13

Have a nice cruise :D
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Post by Therion »

Hmm.. this time (first time playing SOA, btw) I had quite a few quests still open from act 2.. partially because I just wanted Imoen back to participate in them (Julian's posts make me think he thinks you can't do them when you get back, but this is as far as I know not the case) and partially because I just wanted to get her in my party again.

I hadn't even done the dryad quest (in Windspear Hills). Next time, I'll probably try and get her even faster.. after getting my party together (which may require a few quests).

One thing though.. when you do get back Nalia's keep is locked up.. so I wonder whether that is one quest you must do before getting her.
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Post by nephtu »

Don't worry, be happy

The first time through, I rushed off for Immie ASAP. Thereafter, I did all the sidequests first, since the results are the same.
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Post by fable »

RPGwise, you want to buff up your party with as much experience in advance, so you'll truly be able to save Imoen.

Powergaming-wise, if you plan to let Imoen go, it doesn't really matter when you acquire her. But if you plan to add her to your party, you'll want to go for her early, since she'll be able to learn all the spells you've collected and make use of 'em. Otherwise, they just sit in your inventory, and don't help your current spellcaster (unless it's yourself).
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