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VERY funny NPC saying

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VERY funny NPC saying

Post by Dark Master »

I was just in Sadrith Mora Mages guild and I walked over to Skink to request the potion for Edwina and I heard "D-d-d-d-d-dirt-d-d-dirt". The game hadn't gone jumpy because Skink said something to me and it wasn't fragmented. It also sounded like the beat of a rap thingy. Anyway, I found this hillarious, but has anyone else experianced this?
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Post by Monolith »

oh no, not once again....
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Post by werebeargoddess »

I heard a saying similar to that in the Balmora mage's guild, except that the person said, dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt everywhere, dirt
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Post by Dark Master »

I probably misheard then, and heard what you did.
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Post by i4v02v95i5p09k9 »

I was in Solstheim and one of the Imperial Fort Guards said

"That guy smells like old Grampa Goat dipped in Garlic Sauce"

No I didnt mishear, I read it from the Captions I turned on.
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Post by Sarrin Khane »

Some of them are really paranoid too, they say "Someone's watching me ... I can tell."
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Originally posted by Sarrin Khane
Some of them are really paranoid too, they say "Someone's watching me ... I can tell."

Well, this usually happens to me when my assassin is lurking in the corner, so they're usually right. :D
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Post by pepsi »

I'm in the thieves guild, and this one dude who gives out quests in Ald-ruhan, I can't recall his name right now, said:

"You must be a theif! Because you've stolen my heart"

Scary thing is, I'm a dude. He's a dude. They don't mix. Ewwww...
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Post by Dark Master »

Fargoth said that to me once. I slulked off into the woods and about thirty seconds later a werewolf ripped him apart.
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Post by i4v02v95i5p09k9 »

How is being a werewolfie? I never considered becoming one, but eventually wouldnt you run out of NPC's? Well I suppose you could prey on guards, but would that get you in trouble with the law?
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Post by Monolith »

When you kill the guards as long as you're a werewolf you won't have any problems - but you will have problems if someone observes you while you change into a werewolf or back into a human again.

On Solstheim are many hostile human beings like berserkers, these ill whitches and smugglers. You don't really need to kill guards or any friendly folks...I did it anyhow...

And when you're back on Vvardenfell you can slay every commoner you meet - and Ordinator in Vivec!!! Hey, why didn't I came up with that idea while I was playing as a werewolf? Holy Vivec!!!! Solstheim, I'm coming!!!!!
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Post by i4v02v95i5p09k9 »

I became a dog today, its great.. I love it, gives Morrowind a nice twist
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Post by werebeargoddess »

when I was playing MW earlier, and mt character went into the Lucky Lockup, this woman muttered "You worthless creature" as I passed her. I have no earthly idea why she said this, because her disposition towards me is like, 54 or something.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

My favortie NPC saying would probably be (from the altmer in caldera mages guild)

"I don't recall using teleportation, but there I was. Alone. Naked"

oh and once Louis (outside mages guild in ald'ruhn) called me Madame even though not only was i the same gender, i was an argonian and he was a breton
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Post by blake »

There it was holding its tail, what did it say? WHAT DID IT SAY?

and then theres

You'll Be Disgraced for this!

ROfl what is that supposed to mean? Disgraced for what?
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Post by Rookierookie »

Try taking off all your clothes and run around town.

Especially around two Bosmers at the same time.
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Post by dragon wench »

I had just solved Ralen Hlaalo's murder and Camona Tong bodies lay strewn all about the Council Club. Indeed, the only one left alive in there was the bartender who said to me, "Welcome, our doors are open to you at any time"

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Post by Monolith »

A NPC in Mournhold: "Who-who-who-who" LOL
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Post by i4v02v95i5p09k9 »

I find it rather humorous when a cave-dweller rushes up to me while saying "You're Beaten!" then once he reaches me a swift stroke of the blade and he falls down in two seperate pieces.
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Post by HiRo11er »

My personal favorite has to be a comment from the bar in raven rock on solstheim.

"Whew! It smells like old grandpa goat in garlic sauce in here!"

LOL! WTF? What kind of programmer came up with that one? I'll make sure to use it next time an opportunity rises... :)
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