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Wizard Dueling

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Wizard Dueling

Post by Raumoheru »

if u go solo with a wizard or sorcerer, what are good spells to not get urself killed?

everytime i fight wizards they got tons of defense spells on them and are usually immune to my weapons.

what spells are they casting that make them soo good?
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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Protection from Magical Weapons, Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility, Mirror Image to protect yourself from nasty weapons.

Project Image, Spell Trigger, (Chain) Contingency, Greater Malison, Sunfire, Skull Trap, Flame Arrow, Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Time Stop, Improved Alacrity, Dragon Breath to completely demolish your enemies.

The list is endless. Consult Xyx's spell guide (see sticky) :D

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Post by Luis Antonio »

And try finishing the game with a party of tree first.

It will be better to prepare you for soloing...

specially cause spellcasters tend to be weak.
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Luis Antonio
And try finishing the game with a party of tree first.

Oh! Good point! And be sure to get the Staff of the Magi. :D
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Post by nephtu »

A minor note:

Careful spell selection for sorcerors is absolutely critical, and doubly so for solo or small party sorcerors. Go through the spells before time, and take the time to make yourself a spell plan for which ones to take - you can search the threads here for sorcerors if you like. Remember: a spell you only need once or twice can probably be cast from a scroll...

Good luck!
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Originally posted by fable
Oh! Good point! And be sure to get the Staff of the Magi. :D

Btw, remember rookies have a lot of difficulty on the Rune battle. Try not to solo it unless you know how to use cheese. UU may open a path for you, he told me that his cheeseguide was with a new version 'under construction'.
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Post by Kaitsuburi »

Sorcerors' spell lists (especially levels 5/6/7) seem too small & restricting. The perfect solution is to get another sorceror to complement your PC sorceror's spell book. Or you can go even 3 if you recruit both Tashia and Kelsey (both are mod, NPCs though, I apologize :eek: ). Can you imagine the cheese! Has someone actually done 3 sorcerors before??

Reiterating what Nephtu said, though, with a single sorceror the spells you pick are really important. Do not feel afraid to experiment though; you can always switch things around with ShadowKeeper if you don't like your choices. Or even give yourself all the spells you want, although that would make you too powerful, true...

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Post by Luis Antonio »

Reiterating what Nephtu said, though, with a single sorceror the spells you pick are really important. Do not feel afraid to experiment though; you can always switch things around with ShadowKeeper if you don't like your choices. Or even give yourself all the spells you want, although that would make you too powerful, true...

Dont mention Shadowkeeper... its too cheesy... :D

But soloing a Sorceror is less cool than soloing a mage, IMO, cause mages (and bards) seem to me the real deal spell casters. Sorcerers are cool, but they tend to cheese a battle too much.

So, my tip for you, Raumoheru, is that you choose a bard, for some but kicking and good spels.

Just looking for balance... ;)
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Post by Raumoheru »

no see i solo ALL my games so i know how to do it.

i just wanted to know why the spellcasters here cast a few spells and are invincible to my attacks

and i cast what i think to be the same spells but the r not nearly as effective

i just wanted to know what the best protection spells were

and to be honest i use SK to LOWER my amount of spells for the sorcerer so i only got 2-3 per level
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