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Gentleman Jim Stacey. Or whatever it is. He's a tricky bastard.

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Gentleman Jim Stacey. Or whatever it is. He's a tricky bastard.

Post by pepsi »

I can't for the life of me find Gentleman Jim Stacy (or w/e). I searched EVERYWHERE in Foreign Quarter and I couldn't find a second bookshop other that Joshba's (or w/e)...

so my question is...

Is he in the lower waistworks, higher waistworks, canals, or where?! :)
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Post by baileyatbrats »

Spolier answer

He's in canal works (?).
Go to the lower waist works and go though one of the doors to the canal works. (one level above the canals)

If you look at the local map, there's Joshba's book shop on one end. GO through the door that's on hte opposite end of his store.
You'll go down the stairs. Turn left and walk as far as you can, then left again. The shop is straight ahead of you.

There's a shop keeper. Gentle Ben (Jim) is in his inner sanctum at the back of the shop.

(If you go to the worng end of the building you can't get through to his side. The dress shop is on th wrong side, so if you're there go up stairs, through hte door and run all the way across to the opposite door)
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Post by Anonononomous »

The second bookshop is in the canalworks of the Foreign Quarter. He's in the back section of it, behind a locked door.
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Post by pepsi »

Thanks :) I found it :D
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