what is your favorite character style?
Hey, my favorite character style is to use a scout and guardian. I think people should try using the scout instead of the soldier; the scout's advantages (free implant upgrades and extra skill points) out weigh the soldier advantages (most likely one more feat and 2 extra hit points per level). The skill points can be used for medical, persuade and, repair. Where as, the extra hit points will be at most 16, more likely less if you have played multiple times.
I am a sniper, a sniper, wrapped in a stigma, smothered in secret sauce.
Personally, i love playing with scoundrel/consular. The endless amount of FP... you'll be practically invincible, except for Malak(if you don't know what your doing.) The build i had, had 270 FP or something near that. I did this by pumping up wisdom and wearing the circlet with +5 wisdom( forgot what it was called. I had one lightsaber with Mantle of the Force, damind and rubat i think. This gave me 5 regeneration to Fp. I tried this for both light side and darkside.
For Darkside, i spammed insanity and force storm
and for light i just went with force wave and stun. They couldn't get to be
I also had some gear to add to strength so i could actually hit things. ie. dominator gloves, CNS strength enhancer etc.
For Darkside, i spammed insanity and force storm
and for light i just went with force wave and stun. They couldn't get to be
I also had some gear to add to strength so i could actually hit things. ie. dominator gloves, CNS strength enhancer etc.
Originally posted by flexcat
Personally, i love playing with scoundrel/consular. The endless amount of FP... you'll be practically invincible, except for Malak(if you don't know what your doing.) The build i had, had 270 FP or something near that. I did this by pumping up wisdom and wearing the circlet with +5 wisdom( forgot what it was called. I had one lightsaber with Mantle of the Force, damind and rubat i think. This gave me 5 regeneration to Fp. I tried this for both light side and darkside.
For Darkside, i spammed insanity and force storm
and for light i just went with force wave and stun. They couldn't get to be![]()
I also had some gear to add to strength so i could actually hit things. ie. dominator gloves, CNS strength enhancer etc.
You should double check the saber, damind and rubat force point regeneration are not supposed to stack with the Mantle. I checked the resulting saber from a previous game and noted that the saber after assembly only had 3 force point regeneration (Rubat's) with the +1 attack bonus from damind in its description. But the saber does stack with the sith mask.
Life is an adventure
Id say soldier6/consular. this allows enough force powers for master valor, master speed, heal, force wave/storm, stasis field/insanity, dominate mind. (i think thats all of the powers ive maxed at level 20. There are no more truely important ones unless you feel the need to entertain yourself by lobbing your lightsabre across the room) This build also allows enough feats to give the consular an amazing offensive. Master flurry/crit/power attack, master dueling/two hand, Lightsabre prof., master jedi defense and a few left over to put into toughness or conditioning or somethin. Also, these are my perferred starting stats.
str 14
dex 14
cons 12
intel 8
wis 16
char 12
all stat points aquired at while leveling into wis.
Do what you want with your lightsabres. Higher the damage/attack bonus the better. I use double bladed lightsabres for the damage and because it doesnt apply the penalty to it.
str 14
dex 14
cons 12
intel 8
wis 16
char 12
all stat points aquired at while leveling into wis.
Do what you want with your lightsabres. Higher the damage/attack bonus the better. I use double bladed lightsabres for the damage and because it doesnt apply the penalty to it.
Well, i t seems most of you don't use the scout and sentinelo classes (not at the same time but generally). Why that? Thy're certainly not so bad.
I've got the feelling that they're middle classes, average progression on both skills and feats.
Actually I don't really understand all that stuff, KoTOR is the first RPG I've ever played, and I can't deal with this amout of numbers
I barely understand about the left hand/right hand malus stuff, but not really more! I need a translation, or some kind of newbie guide 'cause I'm tired of cheating :ashamed:
I've got the feelling that they're middle classes, average progression on both skills and feats.
Actually I don't really understand all that stuff, KoTOR is the first RPG I've ever played, and I can't deal with this amout of numbers
This for example, is chinese to me, worst : ancien greek!Average damage/round with two 1-10 vibroblades,
19-20/x2 threat range, master two-weapon fighting
.....|Chance.|.2 Weap..| Master Flurry | .Master Power Attack
Def |To Hit..|.(0/-2)..| . (-1/-1/-3) .. | .(-3/-5,+10/+10 damage)
----..------..| --------.| ----------- .. | ----------------------
2.....95%....| 10.89......| .. 15.73 ....... |. 25.58
5.....80%....| 9.08........| .. 13.01 ....... |. 20.46
8.....65%....| 7.26........| .. 10.29 ....... |. 15.35
11....50%...| 5.45........| .. 7.56 ......... |. 10.23
14....35%...| 3.63........| .. 4.84 ......... |. 5.12
17....20%...| 1.82........| .. 2.10 ......... |. 0.81
20....5%.....| 0.29........| .. 0.00 ......... |. 0.00
I barely understand about the left hand/right hand malus stuff, but not really more! I need a translation, or some kind of newbie guide 'cause I'm tired of cheating :ashamed:
How much do you know about d20 system (the ruleset that KotR is based on)? I don't want to say anything you already know.
Sentinels how long been believed by many to be the worst of the jedi classes. Most Sentinals try to do everything but usually end up being poor at everything. They are not as effective as guardians due to lower AB, HP, and less feats. They are not as good as Consulars at using the force because of lower FP, fewer force powers, and no Force Focus. Stat spread also tends to be a trouble. In d20 extreme characters tend to be better then jack-fo-all-trade characters (except perhaps in role-playing situations). This, however only applies if you try to master everything using sentinal (something that most people do). It can be moulded into a very effective melee fighter at the cost of offensive force powers, though it is much harder to make a better then Consular force user (especially since the Sentinal is no better at fighting then the Consular).
Sentinels how long been believed by many to be the worst of the jedi classes. Most Sentinals try to do everything but usually end up being poor at everything. They are not as effective as guardians due to lower AB, HP, and less feats. They are not as good as Consulars at using the force because of lower FP, fewer force powers, and no Force Focus. Stat spread also tends to be a trouble. In d20 extreme characters tend to be better then jack-fo-all-trade characters (except perhaps in role-playing situations). This, however only applies if you try to master everything using sentinal (something that most people do). It can be moulded into a very effective melee fighter at the cost of offensive force powers, though it is much harder to make a better then Consular force user (especially since the Sentinal is no better at fighting then the Consular).
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
How much do you know about d20 system
Errrrrrrr, not many
I know there is something about making a higher virtual number than my enemy if I want to hit him, I know some defense points must be removed from the damaged points of the weapon I use, I know the bigger my dexterity, the most chance I have to hit him, I also know the most Streght I have, the most I will hurt him....
Not really more, actually I think I understood some more things but I am really not sure.
So thx for the help.
Sentinels how long been believed by many to be the worst of the jedi classes.
OK, I'l remember it, so what about the scout class?
Alrighty, this is going to take a long time.
Lets start with stats shall we?
The actual stat number doesn't matter except for calculating the 'modifier'. To calculate the modifier you take ten from the stat and divide by two and round down. The game kindly displays this for you on your character screen.
STR (strength) - Increases the damage and chance to hit* with MELEE weapons. The increase is equal to your strength modifier.
DEX (dexterity) - Increase your chance to hit* with ranged weapons and lightsabers (but not damage) equal to modifier. Also increases you defence* equal to modifier, though the amount can be limited by armour. Your reflex save* also increases (equal to modifier).
CON (constitution) - You gain extra HP (hit points/health) equal to your modifier PER LEVEL (if you later gain consititution the HP is added retroactively). Your fortitude save* also increases (equal to modifier).
WIS (wisdom) - Adds force points like consititution adds health. Also increases will save*. Also increases the DC* (difficuty class) of your force powers.
INT (intelligegence) - Adds skill points* (every +2 modifier = 1 extra skill point). You need INT over 9 to speak properly (in proper D&D).
CHA (charisma) - Increases force points. Also improves the most important skill in the game: Persuasion!
Certain attributes increase certain skills (check your manual).
Lets start with stats shall we?
The actual stat number doesn't matter except for calculating the 'modifier'. To calculate the modifier you take ten from the stat and divide by two and round down. The game kindly displays this for you on your character screen.
STR (strength) - Increases the damage and chance to hit* with MELEE weapons. The increase is equal to your strength modifier.
DEX (dexterity) - Increase your chance to hit* with ranged weapons and lightsabers (but not damage) equal to modifier. Also increases you defence* equal to modifier, though the amount can be limited by armour. Your reflex save* also increases (equal to modifier).
CON (constitution) - You gain extra HP (hit points/health) equal to your modifier PER LEVEL (if you later gain consititution the HP is added retroactively). Your fortitude save* also increases (equal to modifier).
WIS (wisdom) - Adds force points like consititution adds health. Also increases will save*. Also increases the DC* (difficuty class) of your force powers.
INT (intelligegence) - Adds skill points* (every +2 modifier = 1 extra skill point). You need INT over 9 to speak properly (in proper D&D).
CHA (charisma) - Increases force points. Also improves the most important skill in the game: Persuasion!
Certain attributes increase certain skills (check your manual).
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
To Hit (Base Attack Bonus/BAB) & Defence. If you want to hit somebody you roll at d20 (20 sided die) and add your BAB+modifier (STR or DEX). If it defeats your opponents defence rating (henceforth known as AC or Armour Class) then you land a hit. You then roll damage (depends on weapon) and add the proper modifiers (feats, attributes etc.). Defence can be improved by adding DEX (be careful with armour though), feats, powers, and items. BAB increases depending on class (check manual). You can increase the number of attacks you have with feats, powers and two-weapon fighting though penalties may be incurred.
Saving Throws: Certain events can cause you to make a saving throw. E.g a frag grenade is thrown at you. It has a saving throw: Reflex for half damage with a DC of 15. So you must roll a d20 add your reflex saving throw modifier (which increase depending on class and attributes). If you beat 15 then you take half damage, if not you take full. Many force powers and mines/grenades have saving throws.
Critical Miss/Hit: When trying to hit something or attempting to make a saving throw if you roll a 'natural' 1 you automatically fail (i.e miss your hit/fail to roll away from a grenade). On a 'natural' roll of 20 you auto hit/succeed. This does not apply for skill checks (see below).
Critical Hits: If you roll a natural 20 (or one of the critical threat numbers (depends on weapon)) you score a critical threat. You must roll to hit again. If you hit you get a critical hit. If you miss, your attack misses (though if your previous attack would have hit it still does). If you get a critical hit you get bonus damage depending on the weapon (e.g. x2, x3, etc.). Keen weapons double the chance of a critical (e.g. from 19-20 (two numbers) to 17-20 (four numbers). Some feats can increase the chance of critical as can special weapons. Some items can also grant you 'masssive criticals' (do extra damage on crit.).
Skills Checks: Like above you roll a d20 and add your skill modifier to see if you beat a predetermined DC (e.g. successfully repair a bot). There are no critical misses/successes.
Initiative: d20 system is actually turn based. At the start of a battle an d20 is rolled and whoever get the higher result goes first (see rounds).
To Hit (Base Attack Bonus/BAB) & Defence. If you want to hit somebody you roll at d20 (20 sided die) and add your BAB+modifier (STR or DEX). If it defeats your opponents defence rating (henceforth known as AC or Armour Class) then you land a hit. You then roll damage (depends on weapon) and add the proper modifiers (feats, attributes etc.). Defence can be improved by adding DEX (be careful with armour though), feats, powers, and items. BAB increases depending on class (check manual). You can increase the number of attacks you have with feats, powers and two-weapon fighting though penalties may be incurred.
Saving Throws: Certain events can cause you to make a saving throw. E.g a frag grenade is thrown at you. It has a saving throw: Reflex for half damage with a DC of 15. So you must roll a d20 add your reflex saving throw modifier (which increase depending on class and attributes). If you beat 15 then you take half damage, if not you take full. Many force powers and mines/grenades have saving throws.
Critical Miss/Hit: When trying to hit something or attempting to make a saving throw if you roll a 'natural' 1 you automatically fail (i.e miss your hit/fail to roll away from a grenade). On a 'natural' roll of 20 you auto hit/succeed. This does not apply for skill checks (see below).
Critical Hits: If you roll a natural 20 (or one of the critical threat numbers (depends on weapon)) you score a critical threat. You must roll to hit again. If you hit you get a critical hit. If you miss, your attack misses (though if your previous attack would have hit it still does). If you get a critical hit you get bonus damage depending on the weapon (e.g. x2, x3, etc.). Keen weapons double the chance of a critical (e.g. from 19-20 (two numbers) to 17-20 (four numbers). Some feats can increase the chance of critical as can special weapons. Some items can also grant you 'masssive criticals' (do extra damage on crit.).
Skills Checks: Like above you roll a d20 and add your skill modifier to see if you beat a predetermined DC (e.g. successfully repair a bot). There are no critical misses/successes.
Initiative: d20 system is actually turn based. At the start of a battle an d20 is rolled and whoever get the higher result goes first (see rounds).
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
Feats & Powers:
Feats: Feats are gained depending on class, and some classes automatically gain certain feats on certain levels. Some feats need to be activated others are always on. Read the descriptions.
Powers: Are like active feats except that they use force points. Powers can also have certain durations (see below)
A round is probably the most important unit of time. Approximately 6 seconds. You can attack once (once being equal to the number of attack you can make each round) each round.
Second is 1/6 of a round.
Minute is 60 seconds or ten rounds.
Feats: Feats are gained depending on class, and some classes automatically gain certain feats on certain levels. Some feats need to be activated others are always on. Read the descriptions.
Powers: Are like active feats except that they use force points. Powers can also have certain durations (see below)
A round is probably the most important unit of time. Approximately 6 seconds. You can attack once (once being equal to the number of attack you can make each round) each round.
Second is 1/6 of a round.
Minute is 60 seconds or ten rounds.
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
I think thats it (can anybody see anything missing).
Now reading the table:
Average damage/round with two 1-10 vibroblades,
19-20/x2 threat range, master two-weapon fighting
.....|Chance.|.2 Weap..| Master Flurry | .Master Power Attack
Def |To Hit..|.(0/-2)..| . (-1/-1/-3) .. | .(-3/-5,+10/+10 damage)
----..------..| --------.| ----------- .. | ----------------------
2.....95%....| 10.89......| .. 15.73 ....... |. 25.58
5.....80%....| 9.08........| .. 13.01 ....... |. 20.46
8.....65%....| 7.26........| .. 10.29 ....... |. 15.35
11....50%...| 5.45........| .. 7.56 ......... |. 10.23
14....35%...| 3.63........| .. 4.84 ......... |. 5.12
17....20%...| 1.82........| .. 2.10 ......... |. 0.81
20....5%.....| 0.29........| .. 0.00 ......... |. 0.00
This table assumes that you have a BAB of 0. The def is the Defence of the virtual enemy. Chance to hits is just that.
1-10 vibroblades are just vibroblades that do 1-10 damage.
Master Flurry etc. are just feats.
(0/-2) means that you have two attacks the first being with BAB of 0, the second (you offhand attack) at -2 to hit. The numbers below (10.89 etc.) are the average damage against an enemy with that defence.
(-3/-5, +10/+10 damage) means that you have two attacks at -3 BAB and -5 BAB respecively, but each has an extra ten damage.
19-20/x2 means that on a natural 19-20 you will deal x2 damage.
Now reading the table:
Average damage/round with two 1-10 vibroblades,
19-20/x2 threat range, master two-weapon fighting
.....|Chance.|.2 Weap..| Master Flurry | .Master Power Attack
Def |To Hit..|.(0/-2)..| . (-1/-1/-3) .. | .(-3/-5,+10/+10 damage)
----..------..| --------.| ----------- .. | ----------------------
2.....95%....| 10.89......| .. 15.73 ....... |. 25.58
5.....80%....| 9.08........| .. 13.01 ....... |. 20.46
8.....65%....| 7.26........| .. 10.29 ....... |. 15.35
11....50%...| 5.45........| .. 7.56 ......... |. 10.23
14....35%...| 3.63........| .. 4.84 ......... |. 5.12
17....20%...| 1.82........| .. 2.10 ......... |. 0.81
20....5%.....| 0.29........| .. 0.00 ......... |. 0.00
This table assumes that you have a BAB of 0. The def is the Defence of the virtual enemy. Chance to hits is just that.
1-10 vibroblades are just vibroblades that do 1-10 damage.
Master Flurry etc. are just feats.
(0/-2) means that you have two attacks the first being with BAB of 0, the second (you offhand attack) at -2 to hit. The numbers below (10.89 etc.) are the average damage against an enemy with that defence.
(-3/-5, +10/+10 damage) means that you have two attacks at -3 BAB and -5 BAB respecively, but each has an extra ten damage.
19-20/x2 means that on a natural 19-20 you will deal x2 damage.
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
Errrrrrr, what's BAB ??????
Is it something you have to remove from your dexterity or your strenght?
So that's 1 damage min. & 1 damage max. right?
I assume that (-1/-1/-3) is the "BAB" of each attack with master flury???
About the Jedi classes : if I get it well, you can choose Guardian and be a great fighter, or choose Consular and be a great force user right ???
1-10 vibroblades are just vibroblades that do 1-10 damage.
So that's 1 damage min. & 1 damage max. right?
I assume that (-1/-1/-3) is the "BAB" of each attack with master flury???
About the Jedi classes : if I get it well, you can choose Guardian and be a great fighter, or choose Consular and be a great force user right ???
Errrrrrr, what's BAB ?????? Is it something you have to remove from your dexterity or your strenght?
Base Attack Bonus is the 'base' number for you to hit bonus. In the classes tables in your manual you can see the various BAB's for different classes. You add your STR/DEX bonus to your BAB to calculate 'to hit'.
So that's 1 damage min. & 1 damage max. right?
No its 1 min. and 10 max. (or 1d10)
I assume that (-1/-1/-3) is the "BAB" of each attack with master flury???
Yes. You have three attacks made with a BAB of -1/-1/-3 respectively.
About the Jedi classes : if I get it well, you can choose Guardian and be a great fighter, or choose Consular and be a great force user right ???
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"
dex bonus of 5
No, that means that the maximum benefit from DEX you can get whilst wearing this armour is +5. So if you have 22 DEX (+6 modifier) you will only gain +5 to hit, AC/defence etc.
"Heya! Have you been to Baldur's Gate? I've been to Baldur's Gate... Oops, stepped into something. Have you stepped into something?"