Read this only if you have the PC version (I don't know the XBox one).
I believe you use your mouse fot this he? Use the keyboard arrows to make large moves (especially the horizontal ones), and une your mouse to be more accurate, with that technique, I never lose, they're no match for me
Oh, you mean that stupid ship attack mini-game. Yes, I hate it, too. I figured that since KotoR is an RPG, I was going to find any twitch arcade skills essential; too bad I was wrong. Best thing to do? As soon as the visual for the mini-game comes up, commence firing, fast, and move around quickly. All the fighters start out very close to your ship, so you could take out 3-4 if you're lucky. You can also practice the mini-game (joy) by speaking with one of your crew members, but if you don't have that option yet, I don't want to spoil it for you and provide more information.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
In my first time playing, it take me maybe three or two tries unit I manage to shoot down all fighters before they clould blew Ebon Hawk to space duct that killing me and my compainions aboard Ebon Hawk. When Ebon Hawk can't take anymore hits....... KA BOOM. But I am able pulled that out unit end.