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Are demons undead?

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Are demons undead?

Post by Scrim »

Sorry about what may be a stupid question. I think demons are undead in D&D, but wasn't sure for BGII.

On a related question, the Mace of Disruption is a +1 to hit. Is it +4 to hit undead, or just +4 damage to undead.

Final related question... if the Mace of disruption is +4 to hit undead, can it be used to hit a Balor. If so, must the Balor make a save or be destroyed?

Many thanks to those that answer....
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Demons are not undead. They are from another plane, inveribly evil, often chaotic, always demonic and anything but undead. Try playing Torment for a better understanding of the planes and the creatures that populate them. Haer'dalis is a half human/half demonic creature such as are glabrezu and balors (both considered to be Tanar'ri). In Torment it explains the different planes of existence much better than BG2. The higher planes can be equated with heaven and angelic creatures and the lower planes equated with hell and demonic creatures. Faerun would be the material world in the middle plane, more or less. In any case, none of these creatures is considered 'undead'.

As for the MoD, here is what it says about it:

Combat Abilities:
2-12 +4 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
Immunity to Level Drain
Damage: 1D6 + 3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 6

Seems clear enough. No 'To Hit' bonus, just the extra damage and the awesome save vs. death feature for the undead (skellies, wraiths, vamps, zombs, mummies, shadows, etc)
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Post by Scrim »

Thanks for the reply Uncle.

p.s. Now I'm really amazed that I survived that Baler under there.....
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Post by lompo »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy

As for the MoD, here is what it says about it:

Combat Abilities:
2-12 +4 damage to Undead, plus they must make a saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
Immunity to Level Drain
Damage: 1D6 + 3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 6

Seems clear enough. No 'To Hit' bonus, just the extra damage and the awesome save vs. death feature for the undead (skellies, wraiths, vamps, zombs, mummies, shadows, etc)

Actually you have a "to hit bonus" of +2, plus what the description doesn't say is that is considered a weapon with +5 enchantement (meaning that can hit beings immune to +4 weapon).
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