These are my Idea's:
-A ring that can temporarily change you into a vampire
-A Cult-like guild
-A possibilitiy to turn evil
-More types of weapons
-More Monsters
-The possibility of NPC sitting and lying down and seeing them sleep
-Having NPC sleeping for a certain time duration
-Shops opening and closing
-Being able to see outside from the inside and vice-versa
-For instance, if you were to stay in a tavern for a while, you would see other Adventurers come in and out, so, I mean that there should be more Adventurers than just you
-Three times as many quests for each of the guilds
-More NPC
-An Undead/Lich/Necromancer/Evil race
-More Races
-The ability to get drunk
-The ability to adopt pets
-To have kids in the world
-To see tornados etc
-See races even 'Mix'
-The ability to have a boy/girl friend or get married
-Have characters age
-Have NPC's actually go around the world instaed of staying in one place
These are just some idea's.