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Is it worth it to drink from the "Bittercup"?

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Is it worth it to drink from the "Bittercup"?

Post by Indianasmith »

I found this artifact while doing a fighter's guild quest on an island west of Vas. It's a magic cup named "Bittercup" that permanently doubles your strongest attribute, but it either halves or reduces to zero your weakest one. (It's also worth $100 grand). I'm carrying it around right now, but I was wondering if it was worth it. Has anyone here tried it?
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Post by blake »

raises your best attribute by 5 and lowers your worst by 5, if you are maxed out on levels itys good, and you cant really sell it to anyone for 100k

you have to have a bittercup for a thieves guild quest to complete there missions
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Post by Adahn »

Dosn't sound too good ¬_¬ What do the thieves give you anyway?
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Post by Anonononomous »

It's part of the quest to turn the fighters guild leaders to the theives guild cause. You need it to turn Edris Fire-Eye, the guild stewardess in Balmorra.
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Post by Morril »

Don't drink it. Use it for the quest.
You can always raise your attributes later :)
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Post by Danbacksli »

Whoa Whoa Whoa time out, where is this cup I want it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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Post by Adahn »

Originally posted by Danbacksli
Whoa Whoa Whoa time out, where is this cup I want it. Can someone point me in the right direction.

Sure thing, it's in the Sheogorad Region, in the small island in the central part of the island chains, there's a big temply smack dab in the middle of it. And it's the only thing there, if you reach a place guarded with skeletons you're in the right place. Just go in, kill a few undead *astards and get the cup. Though it's like the Weasle said, it's best to use it for the quest.
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Post by Indianasmith »

Something else there too . . .

one of the skeletons is wearing a vampiric ring which is pretty awesome! Drains the life from your enemy in nothing flat, but takes a long time to recharge.
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Post by baileyatbrats »

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Yes. Don't use the cup. Give it to the guy's girlfriend..... Does he have two girlfirends, I was confused by that. Someone's a secret devil worshiper and the cup makes her happy, so she let's you go to the next step......

That skeleton is actually one of the hardest fights I've had so far in the game.
The vampiric ring is cool (but I never remember to use it )
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Post by Adahn »

Originally posted by baileyatbrats
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Yes. Don't use the cup. Give it to the guy's girlfriend..... Does he have two girlfirends, I was confused by that. Someone's a secret devil worshiper and the cup makes her happy, so she let's you go to the next step......

That skeleton is actually one of the hardest fights I've had so far in the game.
The vampiric ring is cool (but I never remember to use it )

Neither did I, i never did get into the whole, using magical weapons or rings, belts and the like in combat. Well... what I mean is I never used anything that's not Constant Effect.
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Post by Morril »

Yes. There is many cool stuffs and magic in MW. I also always "forgot" to use them. Because one problem in MW is that you very quick are so strong that you can kill everything without problem. The game is very poor balanced. Offcourse U can make it harder or use different mods, but anyway....
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Post by Danbacksli »

Thank you my friends
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singing extreamly high saprano is hard! but i can do it!

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Post by Adahn »

No prob, we're just glad we could help. Right guys? :rolleyes:
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Post by the_limey »

just thought id add my twopenn'th- the bitter cup is in Ald Redaynia which is actually marked on the paper map that came with the game. As for what it does for me it raised my highest stat by 20 and lowered my lowest by the same
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Post by JesterKing »

ok, so what if i have 1 or more stats on 100, what will happen?
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