Viconia is level 23 now and her # of attacks is still at one. Is this normal? Do clerics only get one attack? I'm thinking something is wrong here. Even Tashia has 2 attacks. I can fix it with SK but I just want to know if it's normal. The manual doesn't say anything about this.
No wonder Viconia has the least kills in my party!
Non-fighters get only 1 attack per round, regardless of level. Any other attacks come from equipment or something like that. I've not tried Tashia yet, and I assume she's not a fighter, so try look in her inventory for attack increasing equipment.
She deserves to be a fighter-cleric imho. Jan is not a fighter-type either, so his attacks are sucky too. Once he gets UAI, I sometimes give him Carsomyr for kicks so it's somewhat of an issue, but by then, he can cast tensors-improved haste-mislead triggers eliminating the problem altogether.
Priests do get Righteous Magic, but it doesn't increase your attacks, unfortunately...
use viconia for summoning u get a lot of skellies out of her
if u do want to attack with her cast rightious magic DUHM and blade barrier so she does a lot more damage then only with her attack