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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by Bigbadmuthu »

I heard a lot of people think that the Monk is the best class for the PC - to the point that it gets boring after level 15 or so. I was thinking about starting the game again with that class, but I'd like to know how it's impossible to stay alive as a Monk, given that it's impossible to wear any armor...
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Post by Aztaroth »

They start with AT LEAST 7 AC, and my current best monk (lvl 26) has -10 Ac without ANY magical equipment. He just has a huge dexterity. They are also very fast, both in moving and in attacking. That's one thing that sux, though, they can't have boots of speed.
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Post by glenfar »

Actually there is one suit of plate mail in the game that they can wear ... it's kind of cheating, but it can give your monk a boost early on (until their natural AC catches up!).

I don't want to spoil it for you though, so let me know if you want to know about it ...
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Post by Raumoheru »

i do, pm me if u need to
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Post by Gauda »

hmm, it's keldorn platemail if I'm not wrong here.
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Post by glenfar »

SPOILER - For those who want to know about the armor, highlight below to view

The one armor Monk's can wear is Keldorn's Firecam Full Plate Armor

Normally only wearable by Keldorn - but if you have the same or better stats, then your Monk can wear it too. You'll need:

Str 17, Dex 9, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Chr 18

Note though that you only need these stats to EQUIP the armor - once it's equiped, it doesn't matter what your stats are. Meaning you can use a potion, spell or item to temporarily raise your stats as necessary to get the armor on.

To get the armor, you will have to get out of Irenicus's dungeon first. Then go to the temple district, and you should be offered the quest to investigate the Unseeing Eye Cult - you'll want to accept this. Then go down into the sewers. Go to the North-West corner of the map (you may want to avoid the North corner for now though, as well as the middle). Anyway, in the NW corner you'll meet up with Keldorn. He'll offer to join you - let him, then take his armor. After that, you can kick him out if you wish (mind you it's not a very 'Good' thing to do, but the game won't penalize you for it or anything ...)

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Post by Bigbadmuthu »

Thanks for your info...
Concerning the dual-classing-aspect, now; I never used that for my PC before, so I'm not sure at which point it makes sense to do it. For example, if you start as a fighter, and wait till the 15th level or so to dual-class to mage (for instance), I guess the game will be over before you can get anything out of your spell-casting abilities... Or did I miss something?
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Post by glenfar »

First of all, note that you can't dual to/from a Monk ...

Beyond that, I'd recommend reading this thread.
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