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To Triple-Class or not to Triple-Class

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To Triple-Class or not to Triple-Class

Post by The7thStooge »

Hey, everyone,

Why not make a little noise here, since there hasn't been a lot of action on this forum lately?

How many of you like to have a triple-class character in your group? I have found that having either an elf or half-elf fighter/mage/thief is a tremendous asset to my party. Granted, they advance VERY slowly, but there are other things to consider.

First, let me give you the party that I most often play:

Human Fighter dualing to Cleric at level 9 (hammers)
Human Fighter (greatswords and large swords)
1/2 Elf Cleric/Ranger (maces and morning stars)
Human Fighter dualing to Mage at level 9 (sling)
Elf Fighter/Mage/Thief (bows)
Human Bard (crossbows)

Excellent group- Three tanks (especially the two human dual-classed ones when they get five points in specialization), good variety of weapons, great spellcasting (two Clerics, two Mages plus the Bard), the Bard's songs and ID ability, etc. It takes a while, though, to get this group to top ability, because of the dual-classing...

Now, this group (I have found), once the two humans get sufficiently high enough to use their fighter abilities after dual-classing, more than offsets the slow advancement of a triple-class character. For one thing, the Bard gains points in Pick Pocket and the Ranger gets Hiding in Shadows, so when the triple-class character gains levels in Thief he can concentrate on Open Locks and Find Traps. By the time he hits around 6-7th level in Thief, he will have near 100% in both skills. Doing this eliminates your Mage from having to memorize Knock, and your Cleric from having to have Find Traps (even this spell doesn't really help, since a Cleric cannot disarm the trap!). This character also serves as a good back-up mage and can scribe spells that the main mage already has, and with his fighter ability you can hand him a bow and he will dish out some good punishment from a distance.

I really don't believe that a thief is all that useful in Icewind Dale other than to detect traps and open doors (IMHO), so there is no logic in having a single-class, dual-class, or even a double-class one in my group. I would say that a thief is ideal as a triple-class, since you don't need a high-level one to do what is absolutely required.

Any thoughts? Comments? Questions? Queries? Complaints? Criticisms?
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Post by Coot »

Well, there's more than a few locks to pick in IWD, so I like having a thief along... even more so for backstabbing and scouting ahead.
F/M/T is great, but IMHO more suited for soloing or duoing (F/M/T & Cleric/Ranger... :eek: ).
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Post by Aerich »


Nice party!

Although I do have to say that I'm not a big fan of triple-class in a party of 3 or more, either. Levelling up takes so long, especially when compared to a single class. I agree that the character is versatile, but at the expense of hit points and advanced levels. The whole point of having a decent size party is the ability to specialize, to a degree. I have to admit though, that triple-class is not such a disadvantage for a mage, as I find that I typically have spell slots available before I find good spells for the spell level (particularly 3rd and 5th).

With your party there, you have three mage-spell casters. The relatively few spell scrolls becomes a problem, although your mage capability is nicely staggered. I would be inclined to cut the F/M/T down to a multi-class F/T (dwarf or halfling). That gives another potential front-line fighter to help hold the fort while you dual class, or another good archer. I found that a dwarven F/T with a 19 Con and specialization in Axes and Daggers kicks some absolute fanny without being appreciably penalized by the HP division or the loss of mastery potential (throwing axe, celebrant's blade and poison daggers, anyone?).

Further, (as I like druids and a preponderance of clerical spells), I might trade the F/C dual class for a F/Druid dual.

But hey, your call. I've never tried a triple class with a large party before. For a personal challenge, I try to keep the kill ratios of all my characters fairly even. I'm not sure how easy that would be with a triple-class character that was a couple levels behind everyone else. I don't have HOW (yet!) so the Experience cap is also an issue. It's almost impossible to have a party of six get over the 1.2 million mark. Also, an increase in the difficulty level does NOT increase the experience rewards. Rip off, right? (I've got HOW coming as fast as the bidding can close on Ebay...)
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Post by Shadows »

I tend to use the old stalwart of F/C/M as a triple class (takes me way back to my D&D days). Early on the extra Clerical heal comes in really useful, as does the ability to stand behind the main fighters with a bow. The magic side is limited to detection and Identify in the main although if you pause IW you can quickly remove/add armour so offensive spells are still useable.

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Post by dark_raven »

Here is my party:

1/2elf-bard-lv 31

all 8 classes and no triple class!
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