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Post by nuuti »

Now I feel stupid, but since English is not my native language, and I haven't really been hanging around in gaming circles ever, I'll have to ask what do you mean when you write about cheese? Is it cheating or what? It just would be nice to know what people are writing about in here... :p
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Post by nephtu »


Cheese is not necessarily cheating, but it is usually exploiting weaknesses of the game engine in ways that were almost certainly not intended.

An example is the use of cloudkill(s) spell offscreen where the monsters - because they are unable to see the party - will happily choke to death on the cloudkill rather than just move out of it.

Hope that answers your question!
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Yeah, got the same trouble at the beggining of my Gbanshee. I tried to translate some of the cheese to my language (portuguese) and adapted it to 'manha' wich means something like exploiting bugs or flaws on portuguese.

Usually, they use Cheat for simple tricks like Ctrl Y and cheese for ubber and lower engine exploits such as archer defense...

And User unfriendly is the king of cheese, so respect what he tells you ;)
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Post by Raumoheru »

if something is cheesy it is a cheap or underhanded tactic.
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Post by araknid70 »

Nuuti, English isn't your native language, but you seem to write it pretty well. A large number of people in MY country think they speak English as a first language, but do it worse than you.

Sometimes cheeses are meant to be the only way to win certain battles. For example Kangaxx can't be defeated without immunity to his imprisonment. Then again, some don't really consider that a cheese tactic, but some do. Shrug.
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Post by nuuti »

Thanks, kind of what I was guessing already. All right then, I use it all the time :D - I am not a big fan of hard battles in the game (I usually use my summons to soften most of the hardest enemies).

And thanks araknid70, I've heard that before, when I had my English site up and working (don't have it anymore though - maybe someday). I just sometimes miss the should I say sublanguage phrases.
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Post by Raumoheru »

another example of cheese....

when you are in a doorway with golems and the biggest golem cannot fit through the door and blocks the rest of the golems from getting through. then you may use missile weapons to take out the lesser golems then kill the last big one.
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Post by Thrain »

thats not really cheese imho, that's a legit tactic.

i mean, throwing a cloudkill and shutting the door is cheese, manipulating the game engine. but if this were real life (an lets for a minute pretend it is), the sheer size of the iron/adamantine golem would prevent it from coming through the door.

and how many golems can actually be taken out by missile weapons?
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Post by nephtu »

Originally posted by Thrain
thats not really cheese imho, that's a legit tactic.

i mean, throwing a cloudkill and shutting the door is cheese, manipulating the game engine. but if this were real life (an lets for a minute pretend it is), the sheer size of the iron/adamantine golem would prevent it from coming through the door.

and how many golems can actually be taken out by missile weapons?

Well, virtually all golems can be taken out that way if you have the Dwarven Thrower, which is a vendor weapon. At least unless you have the Tactics MOD installed :eek:

An important thing to note is that one man's cheese is another one's legitimate tactic. Cheese is in the eye of the beholder. (pun intentional ;) )
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Post by Thrain »


i thought the unmodded dwarven thrower did piercing damage when thrown. i know there is a mod to change it to blunt damage, but i don't currently have it in my possesion (ditto with hangard's axe, slashing in melee but piercing when thrown)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Raumoheru
if something is cheesy it is a cheap or underhanded tactic.

fun, tho... :p :p :p ... Cheese.htm

i promise to get version 2 up sooner or later...proofing my own text is really a bummer... :(
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Post by Vicsun »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
fun, tho... :p :p :p ... Cheese.htm

i promise to get version 2 up sooner or later...proofing my own text is really a bummer... :(

Upload it, and then you'll have tons of people proof-reading it, instead of just you ;)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Vicsun
Upload it, and then you'll have tons of people proof-reading it, instead of just you ;)

nope, i'm rewriting large portions of it, and its my baby anyway...
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
nope, i'm rewriting large portions of it, and its my baby anyway...

Now this is a jealous and proud father... :D

I think a lot of people offers him help. But he never lets them help him... hehehe :D
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Post by Mr.Waesel »

Originally posted by Thrain
thats not really cheese imho, that's a legit tactic.

i mean, throwing a cloudkill and shutting the door is cheese, manipulating the game engine. but if this were real life (an lets for a minute pretend it is), the sheer size of the iron/adamantine golem would prevent it from coming through the door.

and how many golems can actually be taken out by missile weapons?

Yes, but who would craft a golem in a room with a door to small for it to fit through?
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Post by Thrain »

someone who wanted whatever was in said room heavily guarded, so the golems would be drawn away by decoys (e.g. the last piece of the FoA in the de'arnise hold)
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Guys, what is the point with the golems?

I mean, you got only a few golems on the game, and they are not thaaat powerfull. I mean, they are quite resistant, but they are not the main target of cheese.

Cheese should be used a lot with hard folk, such as a solo combat against the guys on the 2nd floor of the in at waukeens promenade, against the improved battles, against our boy Ilych (improved), firkraag...

I see no point in taking a mere hide and seek technique as cheese... and btw, not a very honored tactic as well. (I do it all the time, dont worry).
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Post by Thrain »

it's more an issue of what constitutes cheese, rather than the recipient of said cheese.

i can't do hit and run to save my life but im trying a solo soon :S
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Go blade berserk then, lots of cheese involved.
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Post by Raumoheru »

ok here is some cheese :D

i found an easy way to fight Firkraag in his layer.

i remember reading about running away from him, he will follow you up the stairs, have the ring of fire resistence and dragon helm and use ranged weapons making it so u will only be hit by his breath weapon.

well he has a attack range of one so u need to be right next to him for him to attack you. he wont use his breath weapon unless you are 3 paces or more away....sooo.....use 2 handed weapons (i had lilacor) and he wont attack you melee or magic, he will just sit there :D
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