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MODS for noobs

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Aaron Kasra
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MODS for noobs

Post by Aaron Kasra »

Some a you have been around a while and I wanted to ask:

What good mods are out there for noobs who aren't through the official game and expansion packs yet?

By that I mean:

1. I don't really need mods with new quests in them cuz I ain't worked through all the quests in front of me.

2. While some of the buildings and manors people have designed are really sweet looking, I don't want to start cluttering up the landscape 'til I understand what's already there a little better.

3. The main thing I'm interested in is new heads for all the characters. I think the onces that come in the game were made with a lot less detail than other bodies and items and backgrounds and stuff, probably to keep the game from seizing up trying to animate them. But I think my computer *may* be up to it. I've seen some heads I like from a link in the yellow pages sticky: Rhedd's Heads. They look like just what I'm after but there's only a few races represented. I don't wanna replace a third of the heads with richly detailed ones, only to have the other two thirds looking (relatively) blurry. It'd be too much like watching "Cops". Is there a full set of heads out there, or some way to cobble together a set?

4. The extra sounds for the swamps mod sounds cool. Is it? Any others that just enhance the atmospherics?

(I've been on game boards [this one doesn't seem like one] where old-timers get cranky over oft-repeated nooby questions like this but don't go off on me, please. Just ignore my post and, rest assured, when I've gained more experience in the game I'll pay you guys back by helping field the stupid nooby questions) ;)
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Post by dragon wench »

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Post by Aaron Kasra »

So I have travelled throughout the land and was a pilgrim all my life, alone and a stranger feeling alien. Then Thou hast made grow in my Thine Art under the breath of the terrible storm in me.
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Post by dragon wench »


This might be the mod you are looking for, I just found it at "The Morrowind Summit" (that is the last URL I listed in my previous post)

I'm thinking of downloading this one myself, the only catch is that it is hosted by File Planet, and I don't care for them.

World of Faces

This mod adds new Faces and Hairstyles to Morrowind. With this mod installed, many NPC's will still have the original faces made by Bethesda, but many will also have the beautiful and varied faces designed by the Community (see credits).About 650 heads of all races have been individually redone with new faces and/or hairstyles. This mod does not replace all the heads of a given race with new ones, the focus of this mod is instead to increase variety. I have taken care to replace faces with others that were similar, or suitable to the type of character. Every face was hand placed and the effect checked in the editor, so gross mismatches of hairstyles and face models should be at an absolute minimum. Of course the heads are also playable.

All the artwork is from previously released mods. The important work was done by the modelers and texturers of the Morrowind community: Rhedd and Allerleirauh,Better heads team: (Motoki, Arathrax, Gorg, Wormgod, Eternum, Nomad, Mantodea, Noviere, Silaria, CanadianIce), Zuldazug, Don Salus, Astarsis, Hellkitty, Emma, Sabregirl, Sheikizza, Lillia, Terra, Nomad.
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Post by Aaron Kasra »

Yeah, I liked the sound of that one, too. Somewhere else the orcish-named guy who compiled it wrote that some collection by motoki (sp?) -- one of the artists represented in this collection -- might provide a more, uh, internally consistent look. That might be important to me, but I can't find that collection anyway, so I might as well test drive this one.

Thanks again, and thanks for the follow-up.
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Post by Sojourner »

Rhedd's Heads

I also strongly recommend the Master Index plug-in, available at Bethesda's official site. It's very handy for vampire characters, too.
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Post by Aaron Kasra »

Thanks sojourner. i also dig rhedd's work, and will check into the official thing you mentioned.

Oh, and yesterday I printed a copy of your sig to stick on my office wall. good eye.
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Post by Aaron Kasra »

Thanks sojourner. i also dig rhedd's work, and will check into the official thing you mentioned.

Oh, and yesterday I printed a copy of your sig to stick on my office wall. good eye.
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Post by arno_v »

Real Signposts is a nice mod. It doesn't ads something special it only makes the game look better. Find it at the summit.
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Post by fable »

I posted this list earlier, but it bears repeating:

Super Adventurers 3.02. Adds plenty of tweaks to the game, generally making it somewhat harder (but in a few cases, easier). It's meant to rebalance things more sensibly.

Amulets and Rings. Adds all sorts to the game, both in shops and as swag.

BalmoraAscadianIslesNPCs. Adds dialog to many NPCs in these areas. As you know, most NPCs have dialog which is about as interesting as that of economists.

The Cloak Collection. Adds a ton of cloaks to the game. As I recall, some involve quests.

Cult of the Clouds. New faction, items, guild hall, dungeon, NPCs, creatures, books, quests. Located on Dagon Fel.

Dracandos' Voice. When you get to the top of a guild or faction, this mod gives you the ability some neat new abilities. For example, you can send any member of House Telvanni on a mission as Archmagister, while you can practice combat with any Imperial Legion soldier or guard as Knight of the Imperial Dragon. Really great stuff.

Fair Magicka Regeneration. Four scripts; you choose one to set the speed at which magicka regens. Note, it affects your opponents as well as you. :D The nice thing is that you don't have to guzzle endless potions or sleep to regain magicka.

Guild Guide Quest. Several guild guides now have their own faction, and you can join it. If you perform all their quests successfully, you gain the ability to teleport instantly to any of those guilds.

Sri's Alchemy. Adds new alchemical substances, and removes Fortify Intelligence from the game.

Tarmar. Uriel Septum's favorite resort, the location of a mystery. Not much hack and slash, this is a very good RPG yarn.

All of these should be available either from Gamers Roam or Morrowind Summit. The latter, by the way, has the largest number of mods around, and continues to add 5-20 every couple of days. They're also well-selected--none of the (literally) garbage files that regularly show up among the good stuff on Euro-RPG.
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Post by fable »

A few others:

Haldenshore. So many mods are located in or near Seyda Neen that crashes and conflicts are common. My preferred mod for that area is this new town to the south, which adds a thieves guild that you help establish. There are 16 thieves' quests, and a nice idea: you get a cut of the guild profits. So the more quests you accomplish, the more you benefit the guild, and the more money you acquire on a regular basis. Also includes a loanshark, betting on fist fights, and an underground bar.

Havish. By the same modder as Haldenshore. This is a major city, on a landmass west of Vvardenfell. Once again, a new thieves guild with 20 quests, but also 8 quests for a fighters' guild, and 8 for a mages' guild. Has a banking system, and gambling--you can play blackjack, and bet on rat fights.

Dwemer Bio-Monitor. This is an ease-of-use mod. You put it in your inventory, and it monitors your health. At defaullt settings, if it finds you below 30% of health, it will automatically administer any health potion you carry. This also applies to fatigue. You can change those settings, though, by moving the Bio-Monitor on top of your image in the inventory box. It also has an in-game book with full information about the product. This shows up in Seyda Neen, by the way, on the shop counter, and its a freebie.

Herbalism Lite. Another ease-of-use mod. Instead of having to open every plant you come accross and extract its contents, this mod makes the process automatic. Click on the plant, and its contents are moved to your inventory. If nothing's in the plant, you'll be told so.
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Post by tabooey »

Xbox mods

Are mods only for the PC or can you somehow use these on the Xbox? I'm really starting to need a house to cache my stuff.
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Post by arno_v »

There for you don't really need a mod. You can use some other houses that are in the normal game. I don't think it is posible to use mods on Xbox.
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Post by Adahn »

We all posted some mods on this thread a while back ... adid=31473
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