O.K. so I've done a ton of quests and have gotten really far in my game (I've beat it before so I know I'm pretty far) I am now on the part where I have to enter bodhi's lair. I go to the top left of the map and open the door to the crypt but when I try to go in it starts loading and then has a runtime error 52: not enough memory. I've had this for 2 days now and so I'm asking you guys if you know anything I can do. I have no problem going anywhere else except places in the graveyard district... It's probably my crappy computer but you never know, and if not can you give me instructions on how to jump my character into the crypt? Thanks for any help I get!!!
:::Edit::: The exact message is -
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
Program C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BGMain.exe
Yes I've patched and re-installed the game. I haven't had any new hardware installed but I've had new software I.E. games installed... I might try re-installing with full install selected to see if that helps... Thanks anyways
Alright, I tried running the full install but about 50% through when I was on the 2nd disc it said that are080b was invalid or something and cancelled... Could it be that my data on my disc is corrupt? Can I fix that?
Err... evidently your disc is corrupt. Get it changed, or torrent that particular corrupt disc. After all, you've already purchased the game, so there's nothing wrong in getting it off the net.
I suggest you contact a friend who has a copy. Alternatively, the problem could lie in your CD player/recorder.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Ugh not gunna work unless I either a) Buy a new copy (Probably not going to happen) or b) find one online and burn a copy because I'm going away for a year and want to bring BGII along, unfortunately I don't have the computer with me and won't be able to access it until I get there... Ugh thanks for all the help so far but if somebody could point me in the right dirrection to get just the second disc I'd be very grateful!
While we're not unsympathetic, I'm afraid your best option remains the one that's been suggested--a friend that has a copy. You can also try contacting tech support on the Bioware board; they've provided discs, last I'd heard, to people who could show ownership of originals. We aren't a pirate-friendly board, so the location of pirates giving away somebody else's property is not going to be passed along, here.
This thread is closed.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.